Alpha Phi Omega National Convention

Phoenix '96
Meeting Billboard
Meeting Notes
October | September
June | February
|  |
October 26, 1996 --- Stanford University/Section 4 Conference
Everybody introduced themselves
Make sure you are at the hotel by Noon on December 26th!!
- Inspirational Moment (by Chris Shavor):
- The midwest, through the power of group concentration and a
"Minda" (?) chant, was exorcised out of the room so we were
cleansed to the purity of the West. Or something like that.
Committee Reports:
- Heather Lui is stepping down as the chair because she is
having a baby momentarily, and Craig Tanner is the new chair.
Info is being sent out to the Alumni associations about stuff to
do in Phoenix while the convention is happening. There will be
several places where info on Life membership will be available.
She is working with Neil Farmer
- on the Alumni Reception - Wednesday before the banquet in the
lobby of the Civic Plaza. A Sign is being/has been made for
alumni. Neil will handle getting the room for the Nat'l Alumni
committee meeting. ASU is running an info booth on places to go,
things to do.
- Themes: Mountains of Friendship, ??. Decorations/balloons are
being handled. Attendance is being estimated at 1300 for the first
banquet, 1500 for the second banquet.
- Need to work out arrangements for stage placement - first
banquet in the side, second at the end - does this work for the
slide show?
- 15-20 people are needed for crowd control for each banquet.
- Tables with white tablecloths and teal centerpieces and cacti
have been arranged.
- Child booster seats will not be provided by the company - too
- Ushered seating at the second banquet - need to figure out if
this will be too slow.
- Chicken for the first banquet, beef for the second. (Menus
are set)
- Decorations details need to be worked out.
Ceremonies - no one present
Dances & Entertainment
- First dance is ballroom dancing, with a variety of different
dances being taught - got another lead on an instructor.
- Flashback/Time warp dance - DJ has lots of 70's, 80's, 90's
not too much 60's. Variety of memorabilia from different decades
are being made, and put up - but they need help and ideas for the
various things. They will keep records and return things, but
still don't lend anything that is too elaborate/expensive.
- Costume contests will be held for best for each decade/era -
not sure who will judge yet. No dance contest is planned.
- Modern music that can be ballroom-danced to ideas are helpful.
- Cafe de Alpha Phi Omega (?) - Main Attraction will do a
performance, probably on the 28th, in the Sundance room. Others
are also encouraged to perform, nothing formal. Variety of
drinks, etc. should be available (from the hotel) but they are
still trying to work things out in terms of getting reasonable
prices. Sound system will probably not be needed, one
might be included with the room - as part of the "in-room"
system. TV/movies in the room are still in question - whether the
hotel will let us bring something in - as usual, renting through
the hotel is pretty expensive. Also, people to serve as "hosts"
of the room are needed - James is the contact.
Exhibits - no one present
Hosting & Information - nothing new to report
- lots of stuff going on during/after convention
- 19 signed up for Grand Canyon trip already ($35 inc
transportation and lunch), etc.
- Working a special rate with one of the cab companies.
- Charges for the block party - need to figure out how to buy
tickets in advance
- Maps are available to go into reg pkts, also there will be an
info booth.
- Arizona Center will stay open "while there is business", same
with some of the other local food.
- Concessions/espresso carts should be open in the Civic Plaza.
- List of grocery stores, jails (??!!), churches, etc. will be
- SuperShuttle contract may not be in effect on the 26th - let
ASU know if you need a ride.
Middle Night
- 27th - giant Twister board made of cloth - should this be a
contest or just people climbing on each other? In the ballroom -
need to get this info the NAU. Maybe use pictures of the Board
members faces rather than color spots?
- 28th - game show night - Jeopardy, Win-Lose-or-Draw, a history
book is needed, and a large white board - get the history book
from the National office
- 29th - A Karaoke person is possibly going to volunteer to
help. maybe in the coffee house?
- 30th - TShirt signing - bring a white TShirt - need to
advertise this.
- APO singled out probably is not going to happen.
- Middle night - Nicole (for SLO) - working on decorations -
also maybe movie night, board games (need donations, or they can
borrow and return them - make sure they are marked). Karaoke is
part of the talent show. Try to get at least one act from each
chapter in Region X. Singing, dancing, poetry, anything goes -
need to put signups for the talent show on the web page (probably
via mailto to Anel/Nicole?). An lounge-lizard emcee is needed for
the talent show, Chris Shavor enthusiastically volunteered to do
- Web page - updates are in progess as usual. Mu Omicron Alumni
Assoc convention handbook/guide/helpful hints is in on the web. A
link to the '98 Chicago bid page is in place. Is Minneapolis doing
a web page also?
- Legislation link is going up soon.
- Some flyers for the various events are going on soon.
- Packs of index-card sized cards will be sent to the chapters
with tidbits on various aspects of the convention.
- Need to decide whether an early December mailing is too late
to be useful - maybe via email? - sounds like there is not enough
time to get yet another message out via physical mail before
- Check for a list of email addrs - Section chairs, and
Lunch Break!!!
Printing and Publications
- paper drive - get chapters to donate paper
- need an estimate of how much paper is needed.
- one person per night will be the editor and responsible for
the next day's issue
- separate people are responsible for the legislation papers
- Jim Rodden has gotten a bunch of equipment donated, the
problem is getting the equipment to Phoenix
- 9 desktop systems, a Laserwriter, 3 powerbooks, 3
- need to set up a LAN in the publications room.
- Berkeley will bring software
- coordinating of editing/updating legislative documents
- need ~15 laptops to have one for each committee
- about 15 people will be coming from GG, more people will
probably be needed
- National office has taken care of renting a copier
Registration - registration will be broken down by state
- people are needed to help on the 26th - possibly Alpha Rho? to
help people stuff the packets and do early registrations, for
convention committee and Nat'l Board, etc., also some people on
the 27th to help with bulk of registrations
- send email to GG if you can help
Safety & Security
- a team of 6-8 people is needed to help coordinate, a room is
needed (possibly a second one in the Civic Plaza) where the
security can watch things - the 8th floor looking over the Atrium
which can be used to guard the balloons and generally keep and eye
on things. EMT/CPR and first aid certified people need to be
recruited. TShirts will be made for the Security people - need to
figure out how many people there will be to make them. They will
also be working with the Phoenix downtown bicycle patrol folks.
Mechanism for recruiting additional people early in the
convention is needed (regional meeting, registration, etc.) Need a
list of the committees, events that will need additional security
- New chair is Pamela Jensen (?), 916-893-5885,
- Maybe need to work with the Red Cross/? to get training?
Sergeant at Arms
- need volunteers for floor svcs, sgt@arms. Do signups during
Service - working on items for the sports auction.
- Ugly-Brother-on-the-Board - recipient charity will be decided
by the winning board member
- Dance donations - food or clothing collections at both dances
- Places have been located to receive sandwiches, they are
working on other logistics - getting sandwich materials donated,
place to make sandwiches and table coverings, gloves.
- (formerly some other commitee that began with an "s" which is
why they are alphabetically out of order)
- 95% of presenters have been found
- "Friendship roundtable" and "Computers and APO - introductory"
have not been found yet. Also "Suicide prevention" speaker.
- Passports and evaluation sheets are done.
- Hosts are needed for the workshops - stamping passports, intro
of speakers, passing out and collecting evaluations, etc.
- need to check with the hotel to make sure the water and
paper/pencils are provided for each workshop and replaced between
Signage - not present.
- Directing people
- Alumni reception & luncheon
- Head table name cards
- Registration - GG - for breakdown - already sent email
- Information Booth
- Cafe de A Phi O
- Workshops - individual workshops, matrix + map
- Speakers Lounge
- Service project signs - talk with Josh
- don't forget extra materials
Souvenirs - 3 items - one at first banquet, 2 at second?
- need to reach closure with Pat on specific items, costs, etc.
variety of different items are available within the price range
- a couple of people are needed in the store to help hand out
the souvenirs (glasses) - try to find some help at registration?
- need to coordinate with Banquets committee on distributing
individual pieces before the two banquets.
- Opening slide show - 120 slides with loud/energetic music. But
they need slides!!! From different parts of the country. photos,
negatives, or slides - computer generated is hard.
- Alpha Phi Omega, P.O.Box 3058, Stanford,
California, XXXXX
- send a SASE if you want it back anytime soon, and
label them.
- Last date is November 21, 1996.
- Closing slide show - 3 cardinal principles, 13 minutes, 23
- "Right Now" by Van Halen. "40 hour week" by Alabama.
- Need people to help take pictures - FujiChrome Sensia 400
- Contact Louis if you are interested (via email).
- 5-15 jokes are needed.
- Also willing to make the slide show into a video.
- $12/tape for more than 10 videos.
- Jim - talk with Louis about possibly moving to an electronic
slide show and what A/V equipment will be available.
- Both slide shows will be in the convention center.
Various Notes:
- Fresno State (Alpha Delta Kappa) and SF State (Mu Zeta) were
in attendance to see what is up and volunteer help.
- Roll-calls - 30 seconds(?) - reverse alphabetical order, 3
stages with microphones.
- Committee TShirts are burgundy with convention logo
- If you need a table for your committee, talk with Andee.
Andee handed out painters caps and man-mile awards.
Meeting ended at 4:00.