Alpha Phi Omega National Convention

Phoenix '96
Meeting Billboard
Meeting Notes
October | September
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November 16, 1996 --- UC Riverside/Section 1-2 Conference
Introductions and stories about trips to the meeting...
Don't forget!!! Be at the hotel by noon on Thursday, Dec 26th.
Meet on the second floor at the top of the escalators, in the atrium
area outside the restaurant.
Also - register for the convention (with your chapter), and make a
reservation at the hotel.
The convention is done on the night of the 30th, and you are open
to go home on the 31st, or go to the block party in Tempe. Free
before 6, pay $10 if you arrive at the party after 6.
Grand Canyon trip - only 20 seats left!! Bus will go to the party
after the trip.
Reality Check by Teri Sheets:
We are successfully fooling people (including Teri) into believing
that we are going to pull this off. Good job, everybody :-).
Actually, reality check is that things are going well, Teri has
talked with Pat and Wilfred, and while there is still work to be
done, and there are details to be worked out, the group has really
come together well - Teri is having visions of an excellent
convention - quote, we are "busting our humps" to have a "kick-ass
Committee Reports:
- Will have alumni table at registration and in the workshops
area, also a table for Sustaining Membership at the alumni
- Neil has requested that the reception be moved to a room where
they can do presentations, etc.
- A sign is needed for the Sustaining Membership enrollment
site, and for the Sports Memorabilia Silent Auction.
- Staffing is needed for the silent auction (being coordinated
by the service committee).
- Craig Tanner will be taking over the responsibilities for this
- Life membership will be available in the convention store.
- Mountains of Friendship, Higher than the Sun are the themes.
- Balloons and other decorations are set. Contracts have been
submitted to NED to be signed.
- Menus are set, and Airmark is set for table setup and such.
- Bob Barkhurst is bringing the flags.
- Banquet seating decision: after heavy discussion, committee
recommended using "dinner buddy" for the fellowship banquet and
open seating for the closing banquet.
- new email address for Jen:
- There will be some time beforehand to set things up, but make
sure that you arrange this with Jen beforehand.
- There is a Suns basketball game the same night as the Closing
banquet - warn Security.
- slide show should be the opening of the ceremony - Rising sun.
- Local invitations have been completed. Mayor can't come but
he'll send a letter. President of ASU might come, the Governor is
not very popular, but they are still trying to get a letter. No
response from Presidnet Clinton yet. The Girl Scout troop has
been confirmed, and a Boy Scout troop has been invited.
- Leads are being explored for several different denominations
to do invocations for the opening ceremonies and banquets.
Confirmation is needed this week! Request them to submit their
material for review.
- Head table seating is done, two tables with one up above with
the microphone.
- Delta Omega is handling the Eternal Flame.
- The ceremony will be held in Hall D. There will be a
run-through at 5:00 on the 27th. Need to coordinate this with the
Visuals committee.
- Roll call will be reverse greek alphabetical order, with a 30
second limit, and two stages and two microphones on each stage.
No props or instruments. There will be registration for roll call
via email/web page and at the registration desk. Judges are
needed for the roll call - two so far.
- A sign is needed for Choir registration and also a volunteer
to help the judges.
Guest speakers
- first banquet will be Wilfred on "State of the Fraternity",
and potentially Jimmy Bartle. Awards banquet will be President of
APO Phillipines.
- Entertainment will also be provided at the awards banquet by
The Main Attraction.
Dances and Entertainment - San Jose St and SLO not present.
Entertainment II
- night of the 27th is a dance, alternative activity is Twister,
in the ballroom, large enough to incorporate hundreds of people,
still working on the details.
- night of the 28th is Game night
- Win, Lose, or Draw - this is also pregressing well.
- Jeopardy - need an APhiO history book - work this out with
Jeff Schwartz and the National office. Also work with Bob
Barkhurst to get trivia.
- Chapter Feud - need to get email addresses of chapter
presidents to sent surveys to.
- Goal is to keep lots of people involved, potential discount
on fraternity store for game winners
- Night of the 29th - Talent show in Phoenix East/West in the
Hyatt. Karaoke will be the alternative event, as long as they can
get the equipment. They have a good lead, but it is not confirmed
- Night of the 30th - Tshirt signing night - need to publicize
this - markers (Sharpies) need to be supplied. Sundance Room.
Budget is $250.
Exhibits - no one present.
- There will be a region X exhibit - watch your email for
- They have an updated list of restaurants with locations,
hours, etc. They are working on discounts and possbily extending
hours of some of the close restaurants. They need a sign for the
info booth.
- People from HH will be participating in the various events to
help with arrangements.
- Hours for the booth tbd.. Stores/churches/hospitals list will
be stuffed in the registration packet - coordinate with Pat on who
makes the copies. They are waiting for schedules/details on rides
they need to provide.
Middle Night - no report.
Publicity - cranking along. Give them updates for web page.
Printing and Publications
- think about things that could go into the first issue of the
Lightbearer - Teri will have a letter in the first issue which she
can put some of the info in - this stuff is needed as soon as
possible because they are going into finals soon.
- They have arranged for a copier.
- Lee can get some more monitors, need to coordinate with Jim
Rodden who is bringing more computers, etc.
- 2000 copies are needed for the first edition.
- How many tables and chairs are needed?
- Means of moving computer equipment is needed....
- people will stuff packets on the 26th. Also early
registration for other people will be available.
- Still need to work out details on the signs (Bryan and Ernie
will take care of this). Voting vs.non-voting sections -
including existing section chairs and petitioning groups in
- Need to decide how to rename the man-mile award.
- Need a couple of tables near the reference committees and near
the workshops as "home-base" areas.
- Working with security committee for radios.
- Pat has arm bands and sashes and counters.
- A table is needed at registration for signups.
- Tomorrow is Josh Pihl's birthday (he's the service chair).
- 4 projects for the convention are setup. UBoB, Sandwich
making, sports memorabilia, dance donations. Progress is being
made on all projects working with local charities in Phoenix, etc.
- Signups sheets at registration. Signs are needed for each of
the projects.
- need a Signup Sheet sign for registration and place to
coordinate volunteers for various committees. A bunch of signs
are done, keep the requests coming in (right away).
- Signs pointing at blocks of tables for the banquets would be
useful (1-15 -> ) ( <- 16-30), etc.
- Personal message board sign near the info booth will be
- A layout of rooms/places is needed.
- 327 signs are made for the chapters for the legislative
- about 60 workshops are arranged, nearly all are confirmed
except for a couple. A signup for workshop hosts is needed -
trying to staff this out of local chapters.
- Sample passports were passed around. Artwork was emailed to
Pat last night, and hardcopy sent.
- The schedule for the workshops is also completed.
- the souvenirs are ordered and ready to go.
- Prizes for the workshop attendance (filling out the passports)
is still vague - Ernie will call them and find out what is going
on (what the prizes are, have they been ordered, etc.)
- first slide show is at the opening ceremony.
- A few chapters/people have sent in slides.
- Send Andy @ Stanford slides or photos (it is cheaper to
make them from pictures than from negatives).
- Slides are needed ASAP.
- Second slide show is at the closing banquet.
- Louis H. is handling this, bring a camera and the Fuji 400
recommended film (contact Louis for details), putting it to
- Cool quotes/jokes/one-liners are needed. Send email to
- A place is needed to coordinate who is taking pictures of
different events.
Closure is needed on the Golf tournament. $75/person for the day,
some of which is going to charity. registration deadline is Dec.
20th - send money to nationals.
Old Business:
Sample T-Shirts are ready - don't they look hot!
If you want a sweatshirt, jacket, polo shirt, boxer shorts, with
the convention logo then talk with Ernie and give him a $20 deposit.
Meeting on Dec 7th or 8th at Andee's house to wrap up things for
select commitees that aren't done yet. Party later on for everyone
A list is going around for winter break addresses (where you'll
be/phone number) after you get out of school.
Coordination for rides to the convention is happening.
Heather Lui had her baby, a boy named Justin - 7 lbs 3 oz.
Andee expressed eternal gratitude to all members of the committee,
for all of the work that they've done, she said she'll be glad to do
whatever you want for you after the convention.