Alpha Phi Omega
National Convention

Phoenix '96

Meeting Billboard

Meeting Notes

October | September
  June | February

June 1996 -- California State University Sacramento

  • Alumni: The Alumni c'ee is looking into a golf tournament and a number of tours in addition to the traditionally scheduled breakfast and reception
  • Banquets: The banquet themes have been determined!
    Fellowship -- Mountains of Friendship
    Awards -- Higher than the Sun
  • Ceremonies: No new info to report
  • Dances/Entertainment: Ballroom dancing/lessons -- flashback time machine -- 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and ending in the 90s! Bring vintage clothing -- there will be prizes for era costuming! The c'ee is searching for DJs -- brothers who are interested please contact James. Other ideas kicking around -- December Pool Party, Coffee Bar
  • Exhibits: University of Washington has willingly and without thought to personal injury agreed to take on this awesome responsibility.
  • Hosting: Possible offsite trips: Botannical Gardens, Sedona, Phoenix Zoo, museum tours, Grand Canyon, Tempe New Year's Celebration/Block Party. Watch this space for online reservations!
  • Middle Night: Talent Night...and yes, there will be auditions. Start recruiting!
  • Publicity: Watch for postcards and a flyer detailing upcoming events, as well as advance registration information for offsite trips and convention events! Also keep watching this website to keep abreast of what's going on in Convention Planning Land. And don't forget, if you need something announced on a flyer, talk to Ellen -- and talk to Kristiana if you need something posted to the web, whether bullet item or survey question!
  • Printing & Publications/Registration: Trying to get computers lent to us for the duration. Also, here's an official call out to all chapters: if you have a laptop, BRING IT and plan to use it! Plans are in the works to streamline a normally convoluted process of passing along information from c'ee meetings to the general assemblage! Watch this space for details as they become available. It's high time that APO started putting technology to use...
  • Safety & Security: The FBI may be loaning up to 20 radios, batteries and rechargers. They've just made all of us X-files's some advance warning -- S&S are asking that each chapter provide 3 brothers for a short security detail during the convention. The good news is that they're going to receive a nifty t-shirt. Start drawing straws for this honor!
  • Workshops: Almost done...but still looking for a few good workshop leaders... as well as hosts for each workshop (to introduce the speakers, etc.) If you're interested in speaking about the following topics (and you formulate what that is), contact Mimi:
    Chapter Finance · Researching and Presenting Chapter History · Service Programs · Career Planning/Resumes/Interviews · National Service Day · New Officer Orientation · Roundtable for Fellowship VPs · Chapter Advisors · Roundtable for Large Chapters · Health & Nutrition · Time Management & Basic Study Skills · Stress Management · Self-Defense & Personal Safety · Massage · Yoga/Meditation · Suicide Awareness · Dance · Planning Sectional/Regional Conferences · How to start a chapter/recharter · "Alphabet Soup" · Workshop for Petitioning Groups
  • Service: The Service c'ee is hard at work obtaining donations for the Sports Auction to benefit a local Phoenix charity. Thus far, they have had about 20 items donated: any leads or donatable material offers should be directed to Josh. Also, the first dance "entrance fee" will be canned food, clothing, toys, etc...some kind of light donatable. Other service projects may include sandwich making for a local group, or a Habitat for Humanity undertaking. Watch for preregistration here!
  • Arms/Floor Services: Recruiting runners! This is a fun job, so indicate you're interested early on! Talk to Roger.
  • Signage: If you need a sign made, talk to Bryan. He'll also have his computer there at the convention, but if you can get info to him early, DO! Pre-mades are niftier.
  • Souveniers: We're looking at some nifty slate blue t-shirts for the main offering.