Alpha Phi Omega National Convention

Phoenix '96
Proposed Legislation (by Committee)
Chapter Operations
Leadership Development
Long-Range Planning
National Organization I
National Organization II
Publications/Public Relations
Rules & Credentials
Time and Place
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Legislation for the Time and Place Committee
Submitted by Milton D. Smith, alumnus of Kappa |
Time & Place
Reference #: A-27 |
Article IV - National Conventions, Section 7. Time and Place
Amend as follows, with italicized words being added and words in [ ] being removed:
- Southern - Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama,
Georgia, [and] Florida, and all other Commonwealths, territories and possessions of the
United States located in the eastern waters.
- Western - All Pacific Seaboard states, and the states of Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Utah,
Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Alaska, Hawaii [and the Island of Guam],
and all other Commonwealths, territories and possessions of the United States located in
the western waters.
The United States maintains possesses other islands in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. For
the same reason that Puerto Rico is specifically listed in a convention area, all of the territories
and possessions of the United States should be included, if not by name, but by their general
geographic location. If a future chapter located on either the Virgin Islands or the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands presented a convention bid, no one would
currently know as to which convention area that particular island belongs. For many years, the
Canal Zone was included in the Convention area listing, even though there was no recorded active
Territories and possessions in the eastern waters include: Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Virgin
Islands and Navassa.
Territories and possessions in the western waters include: American Samoa, Guam,
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Wake (and adjacent atolls), Midway (and
adjacent atolls), Johnston, Howland, Jarvis, Baker and Palmyra. Palau, Marshall Islands and
Micronesia are no longer Trust Territories of the United States.
Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter |
Time & Place
Reference #: A-28 |
Article IV - National Conventions, Section 7. Time and Place.
Amend by adding the following:
- "Until the neighboring nations of Canada and Mexico establish their own independent
Alpha Phi Omega National Organizations, they shall fall into the Convention areas as follows:
- Eastern: The Canadian Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince
Edward Island, Newfoundland, Quebec, the section of Ontario east of the 80 W longitudinal line.
- Southern: The sections of Mexico east of the 105 W longitudinal line.
- Western: The Canadian Provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon Territories.
The section of Mexico west of the 105 W longitudinal line.
- Northern: The Canadian Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, the Northwest
Territories and the areas of Ontario west of the 80 W longitudinal line.
To stimulate growth of Alpha Phi Omega in neighboring nations and to give each nation's
members, including those in the United States, foreign conference experience possibilities.
Ref. #: O-1
The following cities have been proposed as sites for the 1998 National