Alpha Phi Omega
National Convention

Phoenix '96

Proposed Legislation
(by Committee)



Chapter Operations


Leadership Development

Long-Range Planning


National Organization I

National Organization II


Publications/Public Relations

Rules & Credentials



Time and Place

Legislation for the Alumni Committee

Submitted by Barbara R. Anderson, Region 5 Director Alumni
Reference #: A-68

Article XII - Alumni, Section 2. Local Alumni Association. Subsection 4.
Amend by changing "January 15" to "September 15."

Although alumni associations are typically composed of members that are no longer in a college or university setting, the volunteer members of the Fraternity staff including the Regional Directors and the Regional Alumni Council Chairmen, who work with the various associations and stay in contact with them, typically turn their attention toward which associations are registered in the fall of each year. By modifying this date, registration of both active chapters and alumni associations are considered and reviewed in the fall of the year when motivation and interest is high among members of the staff and among the chapters of the Fraternity.

Submitted by the National Board of Directors as a part of the Report on Board Structure and Regional Alignment requested by the 1994 National Convention. Alumni
Reference #: A-69

Article XII - Alumni, Section 3. Regional Alumni Councils. Paragraph (2)
Amend by inserting the words "and at least one alumni member-at-large, appointed by each Sectional Chairman within the region," after the word "Chairman,..."

To ensure representation on the council of alumni from every section in a region and to ensure a functioning council in regions where no recognized alumni associations may exist.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Alumni
Reference #: R-21

This convention resolves that all chapters, regardless of status, should have autonomous alumni associations associated with them. Any chapter who currently does not have an alumni association, should take measures in the coming two years to form one, or at least contact alumni willing to participate in forming an association. Alumni of inactive chapters should take measures on their own to attempt forming an alumni organization.

Ensures each chapter has an organization where alumni can still keep in touch and serve with each other, and offer any necessary advice and/or help to the chapter. In the case of inactive chapters, a corresponding active alumni association could be instrumental in any rechartering efforts.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Alumni
Reference #: R-26

This convention resolves to begin efforts to have a national alumni directory published by the year 2000, in order to help facilitate the networking of alums with each other and their alumni associations and chapters. The National Office shall delegate to the Chapters and Sections the task of identifying their alumni who would be interested in participating and shall advertise in the Torch & Trefoil for interested alumni and life members. Such information shall be collected and submitted to the National Office by the first day of the 1998 National Convention. Then it shall be decided whether to print the directory in book format (estimation of 5 volumes, one for every 2 regions) or on one CD-ROM, or both. The book/CD-ROM shall be available by April, 2000. Included information will include, at a minimum, name (including maiden), address, chapter(s), years of pledging and graduation(s), degrees, occupational title (if applicable) and location of business (if applicable). Phone numbers optional. The master directory shall arrange listings alphabetically by last name, and cross-referencing directory shall list names by affiliated chapter, current city, state and/or country of residence and place of business. Updated versions shall be manufactured every 5 years. News on advertising milestones or difficulties shall be provided in the Torch & Trefoil. Proceeds should be split between Nationals and service programs of participating chapters, as an incentive to get involved.

Alpha Phi Omega is the only major organization I belong to that has not yet published a member or alumni directory for its members. I currently have directories for both high school and college, two of my professional societies, and my chapter's alumni association. Such a national directory would be a resource of immeasurable value to alumni who wish to keep track of friends, make business acquaintances, and contacts, get together for service projects, and so on. My college alumni directory has roughly 50,000 listings in one hardcover volume, which will be about 20% of APO alumni by the year 2000, and cost about $60. Hence, I suggested a 5-volume set, which can be purchased in whole or in part. However, for brothers with computer access, a CD-ROM disk can hold over 500,000 listings, plus cross-reference lists, and costs less.