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Legislation for the Awards Committee
Memorial Ritual: Preparation: 1 Candle [Optional: 4 candles, 3 of which are alike and one of which (candle #1) could be different.] {Brother #1 should hold Candle #1. Set the remaining three candles on a table or have Brothers 2, 3 & 4 hold these candles. Option: Nothe the whole ceremony could be done by 1 brother.} {BROTHER #1}: On <date of birth>, the birth of <full name> made the world a brighter place. And on <date of initiation/pledging>, <full name>'s initiation into Alpha Phi Omega added his/her warmth and light to the eternal flame of our great Fraternity. As a (Pledge/Brother), <first name> shared with us her/his Leadership, made us smile with her/his Friendship and made the world a better place in which to make a living and a life by giving unselfishly in Service to others. [During this time s/he has served the Fraternity as (offices) and earned (awards) etc.] We come here this (day/night) to mourn the passing and celebrate the life of <first name>. {BROTHER #2}: We mourn the loss of <full name>'s leadership. May those who s/he has led learn from her/his examples of leadership to become better leaders themselves. In this way <full name>'s leadership will live on. [Optional: {Light candle #2 with candle #1}] {BROTHER #3}: We mourn the loss of <full name>'s friendship. Those here wo celebrate <full name>'s life are brought together by her/his passing. May those here share of themselves and their memories, becoming friends and comforting themselves. In this way <full name>'s friendship will live on. [Optional: {Light candle #3 with candle #1}] {BROTHER #4}: We mourn the loss of <full name>'s service. Many have been touched by her/his service. May all those who have been helped turn one day to help another, reminded by the service once rendered to them. In this way <full name>'s service will continue. [Optional: {Light candle #4 with candle #1}] {BROTHER #1}: The Fraternity is an unbroken circle of brotherhood and <first name>'s spirit of Leadership, Friendship and Service will forever be with us to keep our circle strong. Let us now celebrate the life and the spirit of <name> and the eternal strength of our brotherhood by forming our fellowship circle. [We will now celebrate <first name>'s life with us as those of us here may share memories of <first name>.] Let our circle remain strong in the memory of <first name> and let us now sing our toast song. {Sing the Toast Song.} {BROTHER #1}: The spirit of Alpha Phi Omega is eternal and <first name> will forever be a part of that spirit. A brother that added light ot the Fraternity for service will always be with us and kindled in our hearts even when the light of the candle is out. In Leadership, Friendship and Service, my brother, rest in peace. {Extinguish candle #1}
Memorial Ritual: Insert the stage direction "(Close the Fellowship Circle)" after the first sentence in the last speaking part of Brother #1, "The spirit of Alpha Phi Omega ... of that spirit"