Proposed Changes to the Rituals, Toast Song, and other publications
Submitted by Alex Kohr, Service Vice President, Zeta Theta Chapter |
National Organization II Reference #: O-2 |
Rituals, Toast Song and Other Publications:
Amend by changing all instances of "National" to "International"
Because we are not only in the United States, but we are also in the
Philippines and will possibly
be in Canada shortly.
Rituals, Toast Song and Other Publications: In any instance, change the
Purpose as such:
Amend by deleting "Alpha Phi Omega" and inserting "the Scout Oath and Law"
Amend by deleting the entire last sentence, beginning with "The rich heritage..."
We have come to accept the rationale beyond the moves to
differentiate ourselves from the organization of the Boy Scouts of America , but
we do not accept the disassociation from the Scout Oath and Law. We feel so
strongly on this issue that it is very difficult to put down every rationale, but
we will try to list just a few. The current Purpose reads as if we were found on
one set of principles and recognize that, but now we have moved on to another set
of principles that are some way related to the originals. This change would make
it clear that this has not occurred. We have always been taught it is incorrect
to use the word being defined in the definition. The Purpose, should, in
essence, say who we are and it is foolish to say Alpha Phi Omega is the
principles of Alpha Phi Omega. And finally (for now), if we misunderstand what
is going on (which we greatly hope we have not) and there are members of Alpha
Phi Omega that do not feel that the principles of the Scout Oath and Law are
worth following, not just due to their association with the Boy Scouts of
America, but fundamentally, then we believe they should form a new organization
devoid of such principles. We pledged Alpha Phi Omega because, like our
founders, we believed that Scout Oath and Law are an excellent standard of
manhood to stand the test of time and by getting others to join an organization
that promoted these principles and by following them, we were improving society.
After the last convention, we and others like us (many who were never Boy
Scouts), began to believe this organization was disavowing these same principles.
We hope this change is passed and we can once again set out on the challenge
presented to us by our founders, "To do our best to due or duty to God and our
country..." and "to be Trustworthy, Loyal, Friendly..."
Submitted by the National Public Relations Committee.
Thanks for all of the work contributed by Brother Randy Finder in developing this
ritual. |
Awards & Appreciations
Reference #: O-4 |
Memorial Ritual:
Proposal to adopt a memorial ritual.
Ritual as follows:
Preparation: 1 Candle [Optional: 4 candles, 3 of which are alike and one of which
(candle #1) could be different.]
{Brother #1 should hold Candle #1. Set the remaining three candles on a table or
have Brothers 2, 3 & 4 hold these candles. Option: Nothe the whole ceremony could be
done by 1 brother.}
{BROTHER #1}: On <date of birth>, the birth of <full name> made the
world a brighter place. And on <date of initiation/pledging>, <full
name>'s initiation into Alpha Phi Omega added his/her warmth and light to the
eternal flame of our great Fraternity. As a (Pledge/Brother), <first name>
shared with us her/his Leadership, made us smile with her/his Friendship and made the
world a better place in which to make a living and a life by giving unselfishly in
Service to others. [During this time s/he has served the Fraternity as (offices) and
earned (awards) etc.]
We come here this (day/night) to mourn the passing and celebrate the life of
<first name>.
{BROTHER #2}: We mourn the loss of <full name>'s leadership. May those who
s/he has led learn from her/his examples of leadership to become better leaders
themselves. In this way <full name>'s leadership will live on.
[Optional: {Light candle #2 with candle #1}]
{BROTHER #3}: We mourn the loss of <full name>'s friendship. Those here wo
celebrate <full name>'s life are brought together by her/his passing. May
those here share of themselves and their memories, becoming friends and comforting
themselves. In this way <full name>'s friendship will live on.
[Optional: {Light candle #3 with candle #1}]
{BROTHER #4}: We mourn the loss of <full name>'s service. Many have been
touched by her/his service. May all those who have been helped turn one day to help
another, reminded by the service once rendered to them. In this way <full
name>'s service will continue.
[Optional: {Light candle #4 with candle #1}]
{BROTHER #1}: The Fraternity is an unbroken circle of brotherhood and <first
name>'s spirit of Leadership, Friendship and Service will forever be with us to
keep our circle strong. Let us now celebrate the life and the spirit of <name>
and the eternal strength of our brotherhood by forming our fellowship circle. [We
will now celebrate <first name>'s life with us as those of us here may share
memories of <first name>.] Let our circle remain strong in the memory of
<first name> and let us now sing our toast song.
{Sing the Toast Song.}
{BROTHER #1}: The spirit of Alpha Phi Omega is eternal and <first name> will
forever be a part of that spirit. A brother that added light ot the Fraternity for
service will always be with us and kindled in our hearts even when the light of the
candle is out. In Leadership, Friendship and Service, my brother, rest in peace.
{Extinguish candle #1}
The 1994 National Convention directed that a memorial ritual be
prepared. Randy Finder, a member off the National Public Relations Committee,
chaired this effort on behalf of the committee.
Submitted by Robert E. Lee, IV, Region III Director and
Region III Staff |
Awards & Appreciations
Reference #: O-5 |
Memorial Ritual:
Contingent upon the passing of the Memorial Ritual, insert the stage direction "with
an open spot in the Fellowship Circle next to Brother #1" at the end of the stage
direction "Sing the Toast Song."
Insert the stage direction "(Close the Fellowship Circle)" after the first
sentence in the last speaking part of Brother #1, "The spirit of Alpha Phi Omega ...
of that spirit"
Enhances the proposed Memorial Ritual by emphasizing the loss of the
Brother and his/her continuing presence in Alpha Phi Omega.
Submitted by various individuals |
Chapter Operations
Reference #: O-6 through O-23 |
Rituals, Toast Song and Other Publications:
Various proposals to change the Pledging Ceremony and Initiation Ceremony.
These proposals deal with material viewable only be initiated
brothers of the fraternity and cannot be published to the public. Please contact a
local chapter, section chair, alumni association or the National Office to view about
these proposals.
Submitted by Henry Marx, Epsilon Mu, University of
Maryland at College Park |
Reference #: O-24 |
Toast Song:
Amend by replacing the words "men of" with the words "true to" throughout the song.
This conflict has been tearing this Fraternity apart for years. We
should not be fighting over this issue. We should be working to create more
chapters, to make our service better, to make our national brotherhood stronger.
But, as long as this issue divides us, we will be distracted. The only way to settle
this is to change the song. If we don't, we will continue to let this divide
We must look beyond what our personal preferences are. We must look
beyond our own chapters. We must do what is in the best interest of the National
Fraternity. We must change the Toast song.
Submitted by Alpha Phi Chapter |
Reference #: O-25 |
Toast Song:
Amend by rewording, so that it reads:
Here's to Alpha Phi Omega, loyal brothers we and sisters.
True to self and to each other firm in loyalty.
Daily working, daily striving, ever more to be.
True to Alpha Phi Omega, our Fraternity.
Brothers clasp the hands of sisters, strong the circle we,
Ever mindful, ever serving all humanity.
Now we raise our grateful voices, in our song to thee.
True to Alpha Phi Omega may we always be.
Our Fraternity is no longer exclusively all male. Singing the toast
song this way will reflect the current makeup of the Fraternity more reasonably. The
toast song should be a symbol of our unity and the ideals we stand for. If a simple
change in words will stronger unify the Fraternity, then this is a better way to sing
the song.
A similar amendment was introduced at the National Convention and
failed. It has been around for awhile. Supposedly this was introduced before the
fraternity became co-ed.
Submitted by various individuals |
Chapter Operations
Reference #: O-26 |
Rituals, Toast Song and Other Publications:
A proposals to change the Pledging Ceremony and Initiation Ceremony.
This proposal deals with material viewable only be initiated
brothers of the fraternity and cannot be published to the public. Please contact a
local chapter, section chair, alumni association or the National Office to view about
these proposals.