Alpha Phi Omega National Convention

Phoenix '96
Proposed Legislation (by Topic)
National and Regional Alignment
Articles of Association
National Bylaws
Articles of Incorporation
Long Range Goals Report
Risk Management
Rituals, Toast Song, and other publications
|  |
Proposed Changes to The Articles of Association
Submitted by Alex Kohr, Service Vice President, Zeta
Theta Chapter |
National Organization II
Reference #: A-71 |
Amend by changing all instances of "National" to "International"
Because we are not only in the United States, but we are also in the
Philippines and
will possibly
be in Canada shortly.
Submitted by Zeta Theta Chapter |
Reference #: A-72 |
Amend by deleting "Alpha Phi Omega" and inserting "the Scout Oath and Law"
Amend by deleting the entire last sentence, beginning with "The rich heritage..."
We have come to accept the rationale beyond the moves to differentiate
ourselves from
organization of the Boy Scouts of America , but we do not accept the disassociation
Scout Oath and Law. We feel so strongly on this issue that it is very difficult to
down every
rationale, but we will try to list just a few. The current Purpose reads as if we
found on one
set of principles and recognize that, but now we have moved on to another set of
principles that
are some way related to the originals. This change would make it clear that this has
not occurred.
We have always been taught it is incorrect to use the word being defined in the
definition. The
Purpose, should, in essence, say who we are and it is foolish to say Alpha Phi Omega
principles of Alpha Phi Omega. And finally (for now), if we misunderstand what is
(which we greatly hope we have not) and there are members of Alpha Phi Omega that do
that the principles of the Scout Oath and Law are worth following, not just due to
association with the Boy Scouts of America, but fundamentally, then we believe they
should form
a new organization devoid of such principles. We pledged Alpha Phi Omega because,
founders, we believed that Scout Oath and Law are an excellent standard of manhood to
stand the
test of time and by getting others to join an organization that promoted these
principles and by
following them, we were improving society. After the last convention, we and others
like us
(many who were never Boy Scouts), began to believe this organization was disavowing
same principles. We hope this change is passed and we can once again set out on the
presented to us by our founders, "To do our best to due or duty to God and our
country..." and
"to be Trustworthy, Loyal, Friendly..."
Submitted by Barbara R. Anderson, Region 5
Director |
Reference #: A-73 |
Article III - Membership, Section 3. Active Membership.
Amend by striking the following phrase:
- "who are encouraged, but not required, by this chapter upon activation to be a
registered member of any Scout movement; and who have successfully completed an
membership education program."
And inserting the following phrase in its place:
- "who have successfully completed a membership education program structured in
accordance with the guidelines established in the National Pledging Standards and the
Membership Policies of the Fraternity; and who are encouraged, but not required, by
to be a registered member of any Scout movement."
At present the wording of this section places an phrase that
"encourages" prior to a
phrase that
states a specific requirement. Further, the present wording states "approved
education program" when no formal process is in place to approve the membership
our active chapters. Additionally, the statement "upon activation" alludes that
registration in a
Scout movement should occur after activation rather than being encouraged of all our
pledge and active.
By incorporating the Fraternity documents upon which all chapters should base their
education programs within the text of this section, the question over approval, how
by who,
is removed while maintaining the standards we all see as an integral part of the
Submitted by Aaron Wendt, Interchapter Relations
Office, Xi Delta Chapter |
Chapter Operations
Reference #: A-74 |
Article III - Membership, Section III. Active Membership.
Amend by inserting after Section 3, the following section and renumbering subsequent
- IN GOOD STANDING. A member is said to be in good standing with
the chapter if, and only if, the member has completed at least 20 hours of service to
the college, to
the Fraternity, to the community, or to the Nation as participating citizens in both
fall and
spring semesters. All service hours must be completed before chapter elections. If a
member fails
to complete at least 20 hours of service he is said to be not in good
member not in good standing may not vote on any item of business at any chapter,
Region, or National meeting or convention. A member not in good standing may not hold
elected or appointed leadership position within the chapter, Section, Region, or
While pledges are often required by chapters to complete a certain
number of service
hours before
they may become active members, it is uncommon for chapters to require active members
the same on a semesterly basis. This proposed amendment hopes to stimulate a
reaffirmation of
each active member's lifelong obligation to provide Service to humanity. Active
members must
be role models for pledges. We cannot ask them to do something we are not willing to
alongside them. Active members who do not fulfill their lifetime commitment to be
unselfish in
service and devotion to the welfare of others cannot be allowed to lead on
dedicated. Active members must be ever mindful of their duty to help other people at
all times.
Submitted by Mu Zeta Chapter of San Francisco State
University Region X, Section 4 |
Chapter Operations
Reference #: A-75 |
Article VI - Advisors
Amend by replacing "three" with "one" so that it reads:
"This chapter shall have an Advisory Committee consisting of one or more Scouting
Advisors, one or more advisors from the faculty or administration of this
educational institution, and any other advisors which it deems necessary. One of the
shall be elected by the chapter as the Chairman of the Advisory Committee and shall
serve on the
chapter's Executive Committee. Advisors shall have all privileges of active
those of voting and holding chapter office."
No rationale submitted
Submitted by Robert E. Lee Correll, IV, Region III
Director and Region III Staff |
Chapter Operations
Reference #: A-76 |
Article VI - Advisors
Amend by adding "such as community or alumni advisors" after the word "necessary" in
Recognizes current practice, and gives merit to other advisor types.
Submitted by Teri Sheets, Region 10 Director |
National Organization II
Reference #: A-77 |
Article XVIII - Authority of Chapters
Amend by adding the following sentence at the end of the paragraph.
- "In the event that the rules, regulations, or policies of the educational
institution at
which the chapter is located are more stringent that those included in the National
Articles of
Incorporation, the National Bylaws, or the Standard Chapter Articles of Association,
regulations and policies of the host institution shall prevail.
This proposed addition has always been the implicit policy of Alpha Phi
Omega and the
Board of Directors. However, the lack of an explicit policy has led to some confusion
for some
chapters, petitioning groups and host institutions. Host institutions increasingly
to ensure
that their rules and regulations take precedence over those of the Fraternity where
conflicts exist,
and having an explicit policy statement incorporated into the National Bylaws will
provide this
In addition, this explicit policy will provide clearer direction to chapters who are
unsure of whose
policies take precedence. An explicit policy on our part will help to take some of
out of the process and allow chapters to develop programs that meet the Fraternity's
goals and
objectives, while complying with their schools' policies.