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Proposed Risk Management Policy
Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity is dedicated to a quality fraternity experience and therefore urges brothers and chapters adopt and implement a comprehensive risk management policy. Risk Management, a phrase that has never been heard by most of the older generation, is rapidly becoming the buzz words in campus and chapter conversations. Risk Management is just plain responsible behavior. It is the willingness of Alpha Phi Omega members to provide a safe fraternal environment, taking care of one another, taking care of our guests, planning carefully all aspects of our programs, abiding by the laws of our fraternity, our campus, our community and our nation. Simply put, it is the basic respect for our fraternity, people, property, and laws. Brotherhood, human dignity and respect serve as the foundation of Risk Management. As we plan our activities we should be aware of this at all times. Risk Management means taking a few extra precautions, being more imaginative when planning events, and preparing for the well-being of everyone. In matters of this fraternity, all actions taken by our members must adhere to the standards of conduct which our community demands. Individuals are required to act in a manner as a reasonable person of ordinary prudence would act under similar circumstance. As a general rule, it is useful to ask yourself two questions when concerned about liability and safety. One - Is it possible that given the arrangements we have for this event, some injury may result? Two - Did we do all that a reasonable person would deem appropriate to avoid accidents. More often than not, when organizations sponsor events, the answers to these two questions are incriminating. Alpha Phi Omega members must abide by the:
Alpha Phi Omega has established guidelines previously that serve as a starting point for Risk Management Policies
A comprehensive Risk Management Policy should also include, but not be limited to, standards addressing:
As of this writing, over 60 National fraternities and sororities have adopted risk management policies. Adoption and implementation of these risk management policies affirms the organizations living up to their responsibility to protect their members from harm and ensure the good reputation of the fraternal world. Exhibit A is a summary of the major topics that need to be addressed in a risk management document as collected from risk management polices that have already been developed. Alpha Phi Omega -- National Office stands ready to assist in the develop of your individual risk management policy. We recommend a proactive approach with your campus, your volunteer advisors, your Sectional Chair and Regional Director to aid in your development process. Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity WHEREAS, Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity unequivocally supports a legal, responsible and safe lifestyle for fraternity members; WHEREAS, Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity has previously taken a strong stance and positive action against hazing, substance abuse and discrimination; WHEREAS, Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity is dedicated to a quality fraternity experience and therefore encourages college administrators, other campus organizations, and each local chapter to adopt and implement a Risk Management Policy to provide for a legal, responsible and safe campus life; WHEREAS, Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity has consistently recognized and supported the ability of individual chapters to govern themselves; BE IT RESOLVED, that Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity encourages the development, implementation and maintenance of a Risk Management Policy by each individual chapter in accordance with federal, state, local, campus and fraternity laws and regulations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity will work with university and college administrators and faculty, other interested campus organizations, and chapters to implement and insure compliance with this policy. Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity HAZING No fraternity member shall take part in hazing activities. Hazing activities are defined as (but not limited to):
SEXUAL HARASSMENT / ABUSE DISCRIMINATION The fraternity will not tolerate or condone any form of abusive or discriminatory behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental or emotional in respect to sex, race, ethnicity, physical or emotional handicap, age, marital status or sexual preference. This is to include any actions which are deemed to be demeaning to all but not limited to date/gang rape or verbal harassment. CONTRACTUAL and FINANCIAL ISSUES No chapter, section or region may enter into a contract or financial agreements using the specific name of Alpha Phi Omega. Qualifying statements as to which chapter, section, or region must accompany all agreement entered into for the purposes of supporting fraternity functions. This includes, but is not limited to, such agreements as leases, contracts, hold harmless agreements, liability releases, account agreements, purchase orders, and hotel or banquet contracts. ALCOHOL and DRUGS (SUBSTANCE ABUSE) The possession, use and/or consumption of Alcoholic Beverages, during any fraternity event, any event that an observer would associate with the fraternity, or in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the chapter, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws, policies and regulations of the state, county, city and institution of higher education. The unlawful possession, sale and/or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances at any fraternity sponsored event, or at any event that an observer would associate with the fraternity, is strictly prohibited. Chapters, Interest Groups and Petitioning Groups of Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity shall not use or condone the use of alcoholic beverages as part of their membership recruitment "rush" or pledge education programs. A violation of this policy shall be deemed a violation of the membership policies of Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity. PERSONAL PROPERTY Use of personal property in fraternity activities shall be strictly voluntary and the sole responsibility of the owner. Alpha Phi Omega shall not assume liability for personal property used in conjunction with fraternity activities, nor for any damages resulting from said use. TRANSPORTATION ISSUES Any individual who drives or otherwise provides transportation in conjunction with Alpha Phi Omega activities shall obey all applicable motor vehicle laws, including, but not limited to, those concerning vehicle safety, vehicle operation, insurance, and the transportation and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Operators will ensure that vehicles are not overloaded and are driven in a safe manner. Rental vehicles shall be operated in accordance with rental contracts. GENERAL HEALTH AND SAFETY All activities planned in conjunction with Alpha Phi Omega shall take into account the health and safety of all participants. Planning of Alpha Phi Omega projects and activities will include appropriate personal safety equipment (ear plugs, eye protection, gloves, etc.), training (use of tools and equipment), and supervision. All equipment to be used in conjunction with Alpha Phi Omega activities will be in good working condition and will be used in a safe manner. ADVISORS Advisors and alumni serving Alpha Phi Omega on behalf of their employer or respective volunteer agency (educational institution, youth service organization, etc.) will do so in accordance with the policies of said entity, including but not limited to risk management and personal liability" Advisors and alumni shall adhere to the provisions of this and all applicable policies of the fraternity when engaging in fraternity-related activities. Advisors and alumni shall recognize the appropriate authority of elected or appointed officers, representatives or employees of the fraternity in questions of policy, and shall not engage in activities designed to circumvent fraternity policies. EDUCATION All reasonable efforts will be made to insure each student member, pledge, associate member, advisor, and honorary member shall be instructed on the Risk Management Policies annually. Active chapters will indicate their understanding of and compliance with the Risk Management Policy statement on an annual basis. Organizers of fraternity events will reasonably inform guests (including non-members, alumni, advisors and visiting members) of applicable policies. Alpha Phi Omega places a high value on the dignity and worth of a human being. Therefore, we, the undersigned, have discussed the Risk Management Policies of Alpha Phi Omega with the members of this chapter. We hereby affirm our commitment to abide by these Risk Management policies and recognize that non-compliance with any of these policies has no place in the membership program of Alpha Phi Omega. _____________________________ ______________________________________ President Membership Vice-President _____________________________ ______________________________________ Advisory Board Chair School _____________________________ _______________ __________ _________ Chapter Date Region Section