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Aasha BlakelyIn Alpha Phi Omega: Section 52, Honorary member Ball State U., initiated April 26, 1992. Advisor to Indiana State U and St. Mary of the Woods Petitioning Group, September 1992 - May 1994. Section 54: Petitioning group president, Grand Valley State University, June 1994 - May 95. Staff member, section 82, May 1995 - August 1996. Staff member, section 81, August 1 1996 - present. Occupation: Public School Teacher Relevant Experience: Instructor, Public Speaking, Virginia Tech, school year 1995 -1996. BA, 1991, Wheaton College, Communications. MA, 1992, Wheaton College, Communications.Allen WongAllen was a charter member of the Alpha Alpha Xi Chapter in the University of Pacific, Stockton, California. He has served as chapter Service V.P. and President as an undergraduate. He has held various section staff positions including Section 4 chair. He was elected to serve as Region X director for 2 terms. He has served as past chair of advisory for Mu Zeta, Kappa Sigma, and Omicron Zeta. He has also served on the International Relations, Publicity, Diversity, Service and Publication National Committees. He is presently the National Leadership Development Chair. Allen is a private practice dentist and holds the positions of Chief of the Division of Dentistry at Highland General Hospital and Assistant Clinical Professor at UCSF Dental School.Barb AndersonBarb pledged the Alpha Iota Chapter at Ohio State University in Winter Quarter, 1980. While an undergraduate, she served the chapter as Membership VP/Pledgemaster for two terms. Prior to graduation in June, 1982, she joined the Section 57 staff where she served as 2nd Vice-Chair. In 1988, she joined the Region V staff as "Chief-of-Staff" and in 1994, she was elected as Region V Director. At present, in my spare time from Alpha Phi Omega, she serve as leader for a Brownie Girl Scout troop which keeps her constantly on the lookout for new craft ideas. She is employed as a registered professional engineer at a consulting firm in Ohio. At present her work assignments involve the design and construction of water treatment plants, water distribution systems and sanitary sewer systems.Beth TomBeth Tom is the Dean Lewis Pledge Class President of Fall 1978 from the Iota Phi Chapter, University of California, Davis. She has since held the less prestigious offices of Alumni Secretary and Chapter President, served as advisor to Alpha Alpha Xi (University of the Pacific), and served on Section 4 staff. I recent years, she has progressed from acting Section 14 vice-chair to acting Section 14 co-chair and is currently the acting chair for the newly created Section 10. She received tremendous recognition for her one brother "Elko in '96" campaign (now known as Elko in '04"). Oh yeah. She's graduated from medical school in 1986 and is a surgeon in Elko, of course.Betsy UllrichBetsy Ullrich is a past chair of the National Leadership Development Committee.Betty RauchBeth is currently serving as Section 99 (NJ) Chair for a second term; however, she has been on Section 99 and Region I Staff in various positions since graduating in 1983. She has attended numerous Time Management workshops, starting in college and through her professional life. She has been able to pick and choose the best aspects of each of these and incorporate them into the current Time Management Workshop that she offers to Alpha Phi Omega (and other organizations). She has presented this at the Sectional, Regional and National level many times. Personally, she worked as a Computer Systems Analyst, B.C. (before children), and is now am a full time mother to C.J. and Bridget.Bill ReedBill pledged Sigma Xi Chapter at the University of Maine, Orono, Maine in the spring of 1991. He has held several chapter offices and is currently an advisor, a Museum Curator at U Maine. He has been a disaster volunteer since 1992 on two national disasters: Hurricane Andrew and the Los Angeles Earthquake as well as local floods and fires. He has been a disaster instructor since 1995.Carla MoranCharlie ZimmermanRegion IX Director Charlie Zimmerman has been playing around with the Internet for about 10 years. As a member of the National Public Relations Committee, he serves as chair of the Electronic Communications Subcommittee. A rechartering member of Omicron in 1984, he has encouraged the Internet's growth in importance to Alpha Phi Omega, from the beginnings of APO-L to the regular use of e-mail by the National Office. He'd like to think he resembles a rabbit, but rabbits are generally thin and quick. His wife Missy (Omicron '89) more accurately describes him as a big teddy bear - tall, warm and cuddly with a bit of a soft belly.Chi-Ching HungChi-ching Hung is currently the head instructor of the UC Davis WTF Taekwondo Academy. He has been practicing Taekwondo for 10 years and has been an instructor for 4 years. He is also the head coach of the 1996 Taekwondo team, winner of two gold medals, one silver, and four bronze medals at the Stanford University championship games. Chi-ching pledged the Iota Phi chapter at UC Davis during Fall 1994.Dave Emery
David O'LearyDave joined Alpha Phi Omega with Kappa Chapter in 1983 and did lots of service and had fun, so he hasn't left the fraternity since. He has helped with section staff in Section 84 and more recently in Section 1 and 2, working with starting and restarting chapters in various places. In real life, he flies around the world trying to tkeep the Internet working.Deepa LeleDeepa pledged the Eta Eta Chapter at Arizona State University during the Fall of 1990. She has been VPM, SVP and Pledgetrainer. She received a Master of Public Health and hopes to become a Health Educator. She loves Disney, music and going to movies. One of her proudest moments was becoming Senator for her college last year, but that also taught her that politics is not in her future! The animal she most resembles is a cat, because of its softness and gentleness, yet still showing its claws when cornered.Dwayne HearnEleanor GabrielliEleanor pledged Alpha Phi Omega in Spring 1988 to the Kappa Sigma Chapter at California State University, Sacramento. Positions she has held include: President, Service V.P., Membership V.P., Pledge Trainer, Treasurer and Alumni Secretary. She graduated in May 1992 with a Bachelor Degree in Business Management. Since graduation, she has held the position of Region X Alumni Representative from January 1993 to the present. In addition to her Region X position, she is also an advisor to the Kappa Sigma Chapter.Ellen KranzerPledged Alpha Chi (MIT) Spring 1981. Current positions: Region I staff, National Alumni Committee, National PR Committee Occupation: System Manager Hobbies: archery, living in the 12th century.Fred PollackJeff NeurauterHe pledged Omega Chapter, Drake University, in the fall of 1990. He has served two years as Chapter President in addition to holding several other chapter positions. He was the 1994 National Convention Parlimentarian and will serve as the Parlimentarian for the 1996 convention. He is currently attending Warmline University of Law.Jerry MarksPledged Alpha Chi, Fall 1975at MIT, Past president, chapter DSK Treasurer and Administrative VP. Past Section, Sectional DSK. Current: Advisor, Gamma Beta, San Jose State University. Work at GE in the commercial nuclear energy division, past professional instructor for GE, past CPR instructor for the Red Cross and American Heart Association.Jerry SchroederJerry was initiated into Mu Alpha Chapters at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. in 1966 and later served as chapter president. He was also a delegate to the 1967 Constitutional Convention in Norman, Oklahoma. After completing his undergraduate studies, he received his Doctor of Jurisprudence degree, magna cum laude, from Indiana University Law School in Indianapolis in 1972. He has held several national offices including immediate past president.Jim HahnMr. Hahn (his autographs will read simply - "Jim") pledged with the R.L. "Pops" Brittain Class in 1983 while pursuing his B.A. in English at West Virginia University. He is a former Section 61 Chair, 3-term chapter president, and Region V Staff member. Since, 1990, Jim has served on the national L.D.W. staff, and he is proud to be attending his seventh convention (although quite happy to not be chairing a reference committee or acting as a voting delegate again!). Professionally, he is a Staff Trainer for a national environmental political lobby where he seeks daily to educate the public on the "Three R's" (Ask him.) Oh yeah, he also was a honored with a DS.K. from his home chapter, Lambda Omicron, in 1989.Jim RoddenJim has been involved with interface design in one form or another for roughly ten years. What started with simple desktop and electronic publishing as a high school hobby evolved into undergraduate and graduate work on Human-Computer Interaction, and culminated with his position as a software engineer in Apple Computer's Mac OS User Experience group (formerly known by the somewhat more descriptive name Human Interface Technologies). Since the early days of the graphical web, Jim has experimented with HTML and watched the evolution of new and the re-invention of old interface and information presentation techniques. During that time, he was one of the first to produce region and section web pages. More recently, he has produced the official '96 APO Convention Website. In the near future, he plans to work on developing a new interface design for the newly ordained official APO Website. Jim first pledged APO in fall '88 at Gamma Gamma chapter (UC Berkeley), but soon realized that forests are more fun and took APO with him to UC Santa Cruz (Alpha Gamma Nu). While at Santa Cruz, he served as Petitioning Group president, Service VP and Membership VP. Since then he has been a chapter advisor to AGN and introduced the position of Minister of Information (webmaster) to Section 4 and Region X. This is Jim's third national convention.Joe IsaacsJoe pledged the spring of 1985 at the Alpha Rho chapter, University of Texas at Austin and was perpetually active for five years. During that time, Alpha Rho had approximately 300 members. He served as treasurer, campus project director, guided tours director and was on the pledge training committee as well as other multiple committees. I served on the National Convention Planning Committee for Houston and am Convention Concubine for the Phoenix Convention. He is a CPA in the state of Texas and is working as a Senior Financial Analyst for Space Systems/Loral in California.John AndersonAlpha Phi Omega: Delta Gamma chapter (activated February 19, 1972) Undergraduate Pledge Master and Vice-president of Service Staff Member for Ohio Sectional Staff 1974-76, Chairman for Ohio Section from 1976- 1988, Ten Year Outstanding Achievement Award Recipient, Section 57 Distinguished Service Key Recipient 1985, Region V Distinguished Service Key Recipient 1987, Life Member, Silver Torchbearer, Sustaining Member, Past Secretary/Treasurer of Delta Gamma alumni association, Chairman of Chapter President's Workshop, Sectional Resource Weekend Staff Member, Region V Director 1988-1994, Co-founder of Region V Toastmasters and Duck Association, National Membership & Extension Chair 1994 through the present, Attended 1976, 1978, 1982 through 1996 conventions. Outside Interests: Adult volunteer for Girl Scouts of USA, Treasurer of Sanderson Elementary School PTO and member of Playground Development Committee, Quality Services Through Partnership trainer and facilitator, Past President of Lancaster High School Alumni Band, Past Member of State of Ohio Committee on Volunteerism, Past member of Lancaster YMCA Program Sub-committee, Past Board member of BUC Employees' Credit Union, Listed in 1986 "Outstanding Young Men in America", Listed in 1996 "Who's Who in the Midwest". Employed as Chief of the Benefits Department for the state of Ohio's Bureau of Employment Services. Resides in Lancaster, Ohio with the current Region V Director, Barb Anderson, and our daughter Katie.John CenzanoJohn joined the U.C. San Diego interest group in January of 1993. He was president of during the recharter process of Rho Pi chapter. He also held office as historian and membership vice president. After graduation John was awarded the distinguished service key from his chapter and became part of the section 2 staff. He is currently a sectional representative to San Diego State University's Alpha Delta chapter. Though John is a biped he most resembles a rabbit because he often fidgets.Julie MooreJulie pledged, Alpha Rho chapter in spring 1982 (The Wilfred Krenek pledge class). She has held various chapter offices including service vice president. She has since served on Region 7 staff as section 42 chair, chapter advisor and vice-chair of the National Membership Committee. Having given up a lucrative career as a high school math teacher :), she is now a full-time graduate student and serves as a chapter advisor to the chapter.Kay KrenekProfessionally, Kay is the executive art director at Bates Southwest, a international advertising and public relations firm in Houston, Texas She has 16 years of experience with clients including: Texaco, Target Stores, GTE, etc. In the fraternity, she is a past member of the National Board of Directors, serving as National Service Chairwoman and the National Publications Committee Chairwoman from 1980-1986. She has served as a member of the National Public Relations Committee from 1990 until present. Most recently she assisted with the redesign of the Torch and Trefoil. She pledged Beta Sigma chapter at Texas Tech University during the Spring of 1979. She married the National President Wilfred Krenek in May, 1994.Kim HarrisKim Harris , Section 72 Chair, pledged Alpha Rho chapter Fall of 1987, where she was an Admin V.P. (among many other things), '94 convention planning chair for Alpha Rho as well as the Convention registration coordinator. She is a former Section 43 Chair, LDW presenter, tons of committee experience including 75th Anniversary Committee. She is an unoccupied sports team support staff member; workshop leader for several years. She has never been caught skinny dipping at her pledge retreats, although photos might prove otherwise. He hair color is similar to her dog's; people have not begun to suspect the hair transplant yet.Kristiana KincaidKristiana Kincaid is completing her Politics degree from UC Santa Cruz (Alpha Gamma Nu chapter) while working as an operations executive admin for a high-tech firm and planning several weddings (none of which are her own). She has been active in AGN since her sophomore year (McDiffet pledge class), serving periodically as Pledge Class Dictator, MemVP, and currently Online Publicity Chair for Nationals. In her "spare" time she keeps busy -- serving both as a Girl Scout co-leader and as co-chair of Palo Alto Red Cross Disaster Action Team, and taking ballroom dance lessons at Stanford. When she grows up, Kristiana would like to be a corporate event planner. In the meantime, she'd settle for having a few hours added on to the day for purposes of sleep and hot tubbing.Lee CorrellLee Correll, Region III Director, is a workshop designer and Brotherhood proponent for many years; computer geek, but this semester preparing to go to graduate school. Put the right classes and a floppy hat on him and he looks just like John Denver. He does not currently use Rogaine, but his hair is falling out.Lisa CoviLisa Covi has been kicking around the country volunteering on Alpha Phi Omega staff for 11 years. She's had the honor of serving as sectional chair in New York City and Washington D.C., but now hopes to someday become a valued chapter advisor.Maggie KatzMaggie Katz is currently the Region VI Director and has been a professional fundraiser for over twelve years. Maggie has served in many leadership roles and brings her years of experience to Alpha Phi Omega. She is anxious to share her innovative "begging for dough" techniques.Marian IsomMarian has been the Region 8 Alumni Representative since December 1988. Her current home is in Claremore, OK where she is the Director of Youth Ministries at the First United Methodist Church. She received a B.S. in 1984 with majors in Criminal Justice & Psychology and a Minor in Sociology. She pledged the Beta Psi Chapter at Southeast Missouri State University in January 1982. She has served as Pledge Class President, Pledge Master, and Chapter President. She has been a Pledge Class Namesake and received a Chapter DSK. She has been the Sectional Chairman of Section 35, Western Missouri from 1991 - 1993.Marianne RonyMarianne pledged Spring of '92 with Zeta Beta at Virginia Tech. She has held the chapter chair service projects from fall 1992 to Spring 1993, Section 80 Alumni Coordinator from Sept. 1995 to March 1996, and Section 80 Chair since March 1996. She is a Chemical Engineer and ballroom dancing has been a hobby of hers for about 8 years.Matthew TrothMatthew Troth was recruited by the Zeta Chapter (Stanford University) as their Scouting Advisor in December of 1988 and was activated in the fraternity in the spring of 1989; he served them until December of 1991 when he moved to go back to school. He has been involved with Iota Phi (UC Davis), Alpha Gamma Nu (UC Santa Cruz), Alpha Delta (San Diego State), and Theta Iota (U Arizona) Chapters. He has served on the staffs of Sections 1, 2, and 4, and has been the chair of Sections 1 and 14. He is currently the Region X Leadership Development Chair and the Acting Chair of Section 13. Matthew is a doctoral candidate in management at the University of Arizona. He is currently spending most of his time working on his dissertation, looking for a faculty job for the fall of 1997, and planning for the wedding!Mrn TomusiakMrn pledged the Alpha Chi chapter at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1974. As an undergraduate, she has served as service vice president, membership vice president, and chapter president. She has served in many sectional, regional, and national capacities including Region I director.Pamela JensenPamela pledged Eta Psi at Chico State during the Fall 1994 term. She is a Biology Major, currently applying to Podiatry Schools. Her hobbies include: line dancing, cross-stitching, hiking, a spending time with my brothers (ALPHA PHI OMEGA).Patrick BurkePat has been the National Executive Director since 1985, an Honorary Advisor of Delta Chapter, and an Honorary Member of Zeta Beta Chapter.Patrick GeorgePatrick is a founding father of the Alpha Phi Omega chapter in the University of. He is currently a junior, majoring in history. He was the past President of Alpha Phi Omega chapter at UWA. He is a member of the 75th Anniversary Committee for Alpha Phi Omega and was recently elected to serve as President of Student Activities at UWA.Paula AvenPaula graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1992 with degrees in English and Journalism. Four months after graduation, she was hired on at The Denver Business Journal, a weekly business newspaper with a circulation of 40,000. She has worked there as editorial assistant, research director, copy editor and currently as a reporter, specializing in oil and gas, mining, environment, agriculture, education and non-profits. She has also done time as a business radio announcer and guested on one of Colorado's television talk shows. She has been involved in Alpha Phi Omega since the spring of 1988 when she pledged as a second semester freshman. She has been active since then in various leadership positions, including fellowship v.p., pledge v.p. and head of one of Gamma Theta's largest service projects, Scout Show. She is on the Section 30 staff and spends most of her time as an advisor to the Mu Pi chapter at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden.Peter FaganCurrently serves as section 91 chair, Northeast Pennsylvania. He pledged the Delta Upsilon Chapter at Eas10:27:38 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/dcichamp.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 9370 ww-tm04.proxy.aol.com - - [30/Nov/1997:10:27:57 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/archives/image/images/lildevil.gif HTTP/1.0" 304 - ww-tm04.proxy.aol.com - - [30/Nov/1997:10:27:59 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/webcamretreat.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 52726 ww-tm04.proxy.aol.com - - [30/Nov/1997:10:28:29 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/archives/image/images/space.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 53 ww-tm04.proxy.aol.com - - [30/Nov/1997:10:29:54 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/news/index.html HTTP/1.0" 200 5245 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:29:56 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD HTTP/1.0" 302 222 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:29:56 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/ HTTP/1.0" 200 3558 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:00 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/archives/image/images/victory.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 13685 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:00 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/archives/image/images/plainheader.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 15931 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:12 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/merchandise/index.html HTTP/1.0" 200 20448 ww-tm04.proxy.aol.com - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:12 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/archives/image/images/drumtrophy.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 20207 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:17 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/merchandise/images/video.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 7479 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:22 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/merchandise/images/hornshirt.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 13324 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:27 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/merchandise/images/drumshirt.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 14631 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:30 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/merchandise/images/ovalshirt.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 9817 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:35 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/merchandise/images/crest2.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 10536 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:38 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/merchandise/images/embroideredsweatshirt.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 5661 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:41 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/merchandise/images/logo.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2855 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:44 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/merchandise/images/crest1.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 10988 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:44 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/merchandise/images/scripthat.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 6325 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:51 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/merchandise/images/ovalhat.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 7045 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:30:53 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/merchandise/images/jazzhat.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 5602 cache.zeelandnet.nl - - [30/Nov/1997:10:31:03 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/archives/image/images/lildevil.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 1994 ww-to01.proxy.aol.com - - [30/Nov/1997:10:31:48 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/ HTTP/1.0" 304 - ww-to01.proxy.aol.com - - [30/Nov/1997:10:31:50 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/archives/image/images/victory.gif HTTP/1.0" 304 - ww-to01.proxy.aol.com - - [30/Nov/1997:10:31:50 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/archives/image/images/plainheader.gif HTTP/1.0" 304 - ww-to01.proxy.aol.com - - [30/Nov/1997:10:31:51 -0800] "GET /~timr/BD/webcamretreat.jpg HTTP/1.0" 304 - ww-to01.proxy.aol.com . Kenneth E. McDiffett Pledge Class of Fall 1991. Offices held: Service Class President Fall 1991, Service VP Fall 1992, Chapter President Fall 1993, Membership VP Fall 1994, Treasurer Fall 1994. Experience in Alpha Phi Omega: Pledge class service auction in the Fall 1991. Lots of fun and money in this event. Occupation: Certified Massage Technician. Relevant experience with topic: Certified massage technician in 1988. Attended various workshops and seminars: Deep tissue, Sports massage, Chua-Ka. BA degree in physical therapy emphasis in pre-physical therapy. Currently doing On-site chair massage in companies, schools, fairs and conferences. Conducted several massage workshops in hair salons and client's houses. Intern for Chinese health clinic for further research. Learning Chinese medicine, acupuncture and other Chinese methods.