Alpha Phi Omega
National Convention

Phoenix '96

Proposed Legislation
(by Committee)



Chapter Operations


Leadership Development

Long-Range Planning


National Organization I

National Organization II


Publications/Public Relations

Rules & Credentials



Time and Place

Legislation for the Service Committee

Submitted by Gamma Theta Chapter, University of Colorado at Boulder Service
Reference #: R-15

National Service Emphasis
Be it resolved that the present National Service Day theme for 1996, which is Community Disaster Preparedness and Personal Safety, be adopted as a permanent National Service Emphasis of Alpha Phi Omega as part of the Cardinal Principles of the Fraternity. The need for adopting such a program into a permanent service emphasis is justified by the ever increasing risk to life and property, posed by natural and man-made hazards such as tornadoes, fires, hurricanes, floods, hazardous materials emergencies, and other related phenomena.
The members of Alpha Phi Omega have traditionally contributed greatly to these programs in times of need, and the opportunities for increased service in a guided and directed program in the future is of paramount importance.

It is further proposed that the Fraternity enter into a "coalition agreement" with the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Family Disaster Preparedness program, and the American Red Cross Community Disaster Education Program. The terms of this agreement would create a voluntary opportunity for supporting and utilizing the resources and programs of those organizations by chapters and members of Alpha Phi Omega who chose to participate in their respective campuses and communities. The National Office of Alpha Phi Omega would serve as a coordination point through which such liaison between FEMA and the American Red Cross would occur.

No rationale submitted.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Service
Reference #: R-17

The National Convention resolves to encourage chapters to apply for the Arno Nowotny National Service Award. Starting with the 1998 National Convention, the chapter who applies and is chosen as the recipient of the award, shall have the registration and banquet fees of all its members present at the Conference paid for by the National Office and the National Office shall donate $20 per attending member of that chapter to the chapter's service program.

Encourage chapter participation in the award program and the National Conference.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Service
Reference #: R-22

The National Convention resolves to take measures to have National Service Day coincide with "Make A Difference Day," sponsored late every October by USA Weekend magazine, and to encourage all chapters to document service done on that day and send material and entries to the magazine.

The amount of themed service done on National Service Day would likely receive some publicity if it were eligible for Make A Difference Day. The resulting participation and exposure could only be an asset to the Fraternity.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Service
Reference #: R-23

The National Fraternity resolves to award $2,000 to the service program budget of any chapter that wins the USA Weekend "Make A Difference Day."

An added incentive to support well-publicized service programs.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Service
Reference #: R-24

The National Fraternity resolves to encourage all chapters to send photos and text descriptions of their projects done on National Service Day to the National Office. All submitted material shall be used to put together a yearbook chronicling all projects done. The 1997 National Service Day shall be the first to be chronicled in such a yearbook.

It could be a small fundraiser for Nationals, but more important, it will allow all chapters to share vivid images and descriptions of all projects with other chapters.