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Aimen Al-Refai
Masters Candidate Address Bionics lab Dept. of Computer Engineering University of California, Santa Cruz Office: 201 Engineering 2 Phone:(831)-334-0227 Email: aalrefai@soe.ucsc.edu |
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Home | Resume/CV | Photos | Interests | Current Research |
Al-Refai (831)
334-0227 aalrefai@soe.ucsc.edu 860
Woodside Dr Watsonville,
CA 95076 Objective:
am currently a masters computer engineering student in
robotics and controls as well
as a dynamic programmer with tremendous creative talents and years
of experience.
I develop on multiple platforms, (namely Win, Mac, Unix). I'm goal oriented,
deadline driven, and a team player. Im looking for a position that can
utilize and
enhance my skills. I also am a designer. I have a BFA in Commercial Arts and a
minor highest
quality work and meet deadlines appropriate to the client and
employer's needs
and do what I love: CODE! Education: University
of California: Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA Sep
2010 expected Jun 2012 Major(s):
MS Computer Engineering University
of California: Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA
2008 - Jun 2010 Major(s):
BS Computer Engineering University
of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO
1987 - Jun 1990 Major(s):
BFA Commercial Arts Experience: Bionics
Lab -UCSC, University of Santa Cruz, Santa Sep
2009 - Present Cruz,
CA Research
Articulation of Lower limb exoskeleton
Helping with other's research
Installation of Motion capture system
Area of Research: Algorithm for redundancy in a 7 DOF robotic
arm Self,
Santa Cruz, Ca
2003 Dec 2003 Consulting
Lucky Stone Designs: Created the on line presence and hooked the shopping cart
and credit
card backbone to the site using PayPal APIs
World Prayers: I was engaged in building on line editing system using Java and
mysql db. Sesame
Technology, Scotts Valley, CA
2001 - Aug 2003 Software
Code review and refactoring
Building the presentation layer classes which write out to the browser
Create APIs for Administration and Report/Charting of
Sesame Technology produces web-based bug tracking
Building the applogic classes which interface with a
sql database
Integrating the product into customers business flow Go.com
(Disney), Sunnyvale, CA
2000 - Feb 2001 Software
Global Personalization API using java to write and read to SQL7
Experience with writing: servelets, applets, jsp, javabeans, jdbc
Developing Prototypes of new pages using Java Infoseek,
Sunnyvale, CA
1999 - Jul 2000 Senior
Web Developer
developing standardization of systems and processes
HTML production / Mixed with C++ language in proprietary
QAing Web pages
Work with Producer/Project Managers on various client and internal
creating image maps / animated graphics Imagesmith,
Santa Cruz, CA
1998 - Jan 1999 Senior
Graphic Designer
Web design specific creation of illustrations and graphics
Art direction
HTML production Thunder
Press, Scotts Valley, CA
1997 - Apr 1998 Graphic
Creation of illustrations and graphical headlines / ad
Art direction / ad placement / layout for East Coast paper
Copy fitting / production Jonathan
Peck Typographers, Santa Cruz, CA
1995 - Jan 1997 Graphic
Creation of illustrations and graphical headlines / ad
Art direction
Copy fitting / production Arete
Press, Claremont, CA
1990 - Jan 1993 Art
Creation of illustrations and graphical headlines / ad
Art direction / ad placement / layout
Copy fitting / production Awards: "Most
Technical Project" in the Senior Design Project
Competition Skills:
C/C++, python, assembly, html, javascipt, SolidWorks, OrCAD, Allegro, Pspice, MatLab, and
Simulink. I am capable of soldering and have used
Cypress PSoC development kit for rapid
board prototyping and the dsPic33, Photoshop, Illustrator Programming
language skills ranking (10 expert 1 can run hello
world) Java
(8), C++ (7), C (7), Python (2) Professional
Affiliations: Tau Beta Pi, IEEE |
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© 2010 Aimen Al-Refai
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