![]() National Convention
About The Convention Convention Handbook Convention Hints Frequently Asked Questions Torch & Trefoil Article | ![]() |
CONVENTION HINTS(From the Region I Insider's Guide to the APO Convention)ASAP: Whether or not you are a voting delegate (everyone is called a delegate) read through all the Convention stuff that the National Office is mailing out. Look at the schedule and descriptions of the special events and awards. Everyone should read through the proposed legislation to understand the issues. (Should be mailed to the chapters by mid October.) Talk the proposals over with your chapter. Note: Though voting delegates should endeavor to represent their chapter, to quote President Schroeder from the Fall T&T, "No chapter should bind its delegates to one view or another. Doing so renders the synergy of the whole futile." Make sure that you as an individual are an officially registered member and that your chapter is in good standing (has paid AAMD's, etc, no later than November 15) If in doubt, call Judy Mitchell at the National Office (816) 373-8667. ALSO, any registered delegate may be eligible to serve on evaluation committees for the National Standing Committees. Contact your region director for further information. VOTING DELEGATES: Read through all the legislation and other info AGAIN. The National Office should be sending out a National Convention Handbook, a guide for voting delegates, with details on opportunities and responsibilities; a draft copy is available from your Chair or Director. The Sectional Conferences in various Regions may be running practice sessions to help you prepare. Please register your reference committees preferences - many voting delegates from your Region will be serving on a committee (one representative is needed for each committee), so you might as well try for something that really interests you. If you think you'd like to chair a committee, contact your region director as soon as you can. If you are chairing a committee, don't miss the orientation meeting. TRAVEL & HOTEL PLANS: Plan now, if not sooner! Don't be discouraged if the first plane fares you hear sound too high. Plane, train, car or Conestoga wagon, plan to arrive around noon on December 27th. Though the Convention officially ends after the Awards Banquet and fellowship the night of December 30th, you will want to stay at least until the morning of the 31st. The Convention Committee is looking for extra activities for the 31st. HOTEL reservations are made directly with the hotel, no later than the first week of December. Sooner is better! Convention hotel rates will be good for a day or two before and after the convention (Rooms for New Year's Eve are going fast!). REGISTER WITH THE NATIONAL OFFICE EARLY: Active and pledge members who register early will receive a discounted rate. Sooner is better! After that, and for other members and guests, the fee goes up. Also register for one or both of the banquets in advance. Banquet attendance is not required, but they are very popular. Don't count on being able to buy a ticket there. STUFF TO PACK: Casual clothes, especially APO colors. Shirts from special chapter and other local events are popular and conversation starters. Plan to dress in layers - meeting rooms can get hot or cold. Pack semi-formal clothes for the two banquets. If you want to participate in the service projects, bring grunge-able clothes. Bring an alarm clock. Pack your favorite headache, cold and indigestion medicines and of course any prescriptions you require. Bring your student ID. Stuff some extra paper and pens in your bag. Try to fit in some fruit and munchies - we may not be near supermarkets. Consider bringing school and chapter stickers or pins to trade. Don't forget your service pin! Try to budget some extra spending money. The fraternity store will be selling shirts, pins, and lots of other stuff. You'll probably want some local souvenirs, and you may want to splurge for a real dinner on the town. YOU'RE FINALLY THERE: Before you check in, make sure you know the names under which your rooms are registered. After registering with the hotel, dump your stuff in your room, then go find the cool APO registration area. Pick up the special souvenir (provided with your registration fee). Look through the convention packet right away. Highlight what interests you, and consider catching some sleep. Then go meet new people! Sure, you love your local brothers, but you see them all the time. Say hello to anyone wearing letters (we'll all have nametags) - in the lobby, at a party or at a workshop. STUFF TO DO: Official events can be found in the schedule. There are workshops (including LDW's), banquets, service projects, dances and special events. Be ready with a short, appropriate, entertaining song or spirit cheer for the national Roll Call the first evening. Most reference committees are open to all delegates. Regions meet at least three times for business and informational purposes - don't miss these meetings. Other decisions to be made by the Convention are location of the next convention, and elections of the National Board of Directors (President, VP, 6 Members at Large and one Director per Region.) Take a tour. Try to get in some sightseeing. Get involved! If you are a voting delegate, this is a given. If you are non-voting, there are plenty of other opportunities. Volunteer to help with the Convention newsletter, floor services, sergeant-at-arms or other services. Remember, the Convention is organized and run by students, alumni and staff - it's one huge service project, and they need your help. Meet more new people! Just sit down and talk with someone from a place you've never been. Drop into your region suite to relax; other regions will also have open suites. SPECIAL NOTES: Take care of your voting delegates! They work hard for our Fraternity and you. Help keep them happy during meetings: send them food and moral support via floor services. Attend the legislative sessions when you can. Let them know they're appreciated. And most of all - - -