Dance and Technology Bibliography
Michelle Nesbit Hill
New resources on motion capture and dance technology will
be added soon...
- 1
Abbie-Denton, M.
``Computers, choreography, and choreography''.
In Proceedings of the VII Commonwealth and International
Conference on Sport, Physical Education, and Dance, 1982.
- 2
Adamson, A.
``Calaban'', June 1987.
Demonstration at Birmingham University, England.
- 3
Allen, R.
``The bionic dancer''.
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, pages
38--49, November-December 1983.
- 4
Anderson, J.
``Putting dances in a safe place; film, notation, computer - each
preserves choreography but not without drawbacks.''.
New York Times, 142:H27, August 1 1993.
- 5
Andreae, C.
``Movement Enters the Computer Age''.
Christian Science Monitor, 86(202):15, September 12 1994.
- 6
Badler, N., Korein, J., Korein, J.U., Radack, G., and Brotman, L.
``Tempus: A System for the Design and Simulation of Human
Figures in a Task-Oriented Environment''.
In Proceedings of the First Annual Workshop on Robotics and
Expert Systems, June 1985.
- 7
Badler, N. and Smoliar, S.
``Digital Representations of Human Movement''.
Computing Surveys, 11(1):19--38, March 1979.
- 8
Bakka, E.
``The Computer as a Tool in Dance Research''.
Yearbook for Traditional Music, 23:125--130, 1991.
- 9
Beaman, J.
``Computer Dance: Implications of the Dance''.
Impulse: The Annual of Contemporary Dance, pages 27--28, 1965.
- 10
Boettcher, J.
``Dance Education : Innovation through Technology''.
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, page 40,
November-December 1983.
- 11
Brennan, M., Stephenson, G., Brehm, M., and Deicher, M.
``A Computerized Methodology using Laban Movement
Analysis to Determine Movement Profiles in Dance''.
In Dance Technology: Current Applications and Future Trends,
pages 93--98. National Dance Association, 1989.
- 12
Brightman, P.
``Computer dancemakers''.
Leonardo, 23(4):393--396, 1990.
- 13
Brown, M. and Smoliar, S.
``A Graphics Editor for Labanotation''.
Computer Graphics, 10(2):60--65, 1976.
- 14
Brown, M., Smoliar, S., and Weber, L.
``Preparing Dance Notation Scores with a Computer''.
Computers and Graphics, 3(1):1--7, 1978.
- 15
Bruderlin, A.
``How to Produce Movement with a Computer''.
In Dance and Technology I: Moving Toward the Future, pages
10--17, 1992.
- 16
T.W. Calvert, J. Chapman, and A. Patla.
``Aspects of the kinematic simulation of human movement''.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2(9):41--50, November
- 17
Calvert, T.
``Toward a language for human movement''.
Computers and the Humanities, 20:35--43, 1986.
- 18
Calvert, T., Bruderlin, A., Dill, J., Schiphorst, T., and Welman, C.
``Desktop Animation of Multiple Human Figures''.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 13(3):18--26, May
- 19
Copeland, L.
``Dance, a Graphics Program''.
Technical report, University of Utah, 1968.
- 20
Corey, M.
``CLIP Computerized Labanotation Instructional Program''.
Dance Research Journal, 26(1):36--37, Spring 1994.
- 21
Cote-Laurence, P.
``Animate Tokens, a New Method of Portraying Dance on a
In Dance and Technology I: Moving Toward the Future, page 17,
- 22
Dunin, E.
``A Guide on How to Write Labanotation with the Apple
Macintosh Computer Using LCsLN''.
Technical report, University of California, Los Angeles, 1987.
- 23
Dunin, E.
``Personal Computers and Dance Ethnology Research''.
Yearbook for Traditional Music, 23:113--124, 1991.
- 24
Dunning, J.
``Dance by the light of the tube-Use of Life Forms computer
program in dance choreography)''.
New York Times Magazine, 140:26, February 10 1991.
- 25
Dunning, J.
``Dancers ask the computer: Are you Joking?''.
New York Times, 144:H23, March 5 1995.
- 26
Eickmeier, W., Calvert, T., and Patla, A.
``An interactive computerized movement notation system. part 1:
Description of the system''.
Physiotherapy Canada, 37(4):230--235, July-August 1985.
- 27
Eickmeier, W., Ryman, R., and Patla, A.
``An interactive computerized movement notation system. part 2: Its
use in recording kinematics of human ambulation''.
Physiotherapy Canada, 37(4):237--243, July-August 1985.
- 28
Eshkol, N., Melvin, P., Michl, J., Von Foerster, H., and Wachmann, A.
``Notation of Movement, Computer Laboratory Report BCL
Technical report, University of Illinois, 1970.
- 29
Fisher-Stitt, N. S., Warner, M. J., and Martin, B.
``HyperCard and Dance History: A Pilot Project''.
In Dance and Technology I: Moving Toward the Future, pages
17--20, 1992.
- 30
Forrest, J.
``Field Report: A Choreographer's Assessment of the DOM
Notation System''.
Dance Notation Journal, 4(2):47--48, Fall 1986.
- 31
Fugedi, J.
``Dance Notation and Computers''.
Yearbook for Traditional Music, 23:101--111, 1991.
- 32
Fugedi, J.
``On the Way to Computer-aided Dance Analysis: Retrieving
Motives from Labanotation Files''.
In Dance and Technology I: Moving Toward the Future, pages
20--25, 1992.
- 33
Gray, J.
``Computers and dance''.
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, pages
34--35, November-December 1983.
- 34
Gray, J.
``Dance in computer technology:a survey of applications and
Interchange, 14(4):15--25, Winter 1984.
- 35
Gray, J.
``Capturing and processing dance images with computers''.
In Dance:The Study of Dance and the Place of Dance in Society,
Proceedings 8th Commonwealth and International Conference on Sport, Physical
Education, Dance, Recreation, and Health, pages 335--339, July 1986.
- 36
Gray, J.
``A Computerized Procedure for Recording and Analyzing
Dance Teacher Mobility''.
In Dance Technology: Current Applications and Future Trends,
pages 65--71. National Dance Association, 1989.
- 37
Gray, J.
``The Evolution of Dance Technology''.
In Dance Technology: Current Applications and Future Trends,
pages 1--5. National Dance Association, 1989.
- 38
Gray, J. ed.
Dance Technology: Current Applications and Future Trends.
National Dance Association, 1989.
- 39
Green, J.
``Computers in the fine arts''.
Journal for the Anthropological Study of Human Movement,
1(2):75--82, Autumn 1980.
- 40
Hutchinson Guest, A.
Dance Notation: The Process of Recording Movement on
London: Dance Books, 1984.
- 41
Hutchinson Guest, A.
Choreo-Graphics: A Comparison of Dance Notation
Systems from the Fifteenth Century to the Present.
Gordon and Breach Science Publishers S. A., 1989.
- 42
Hagist, F. and Politis, G.
``A Computer Program for the Entry of Benesh Movement
In Dance Technology: Current Applications and Future Trends,
pages 73--81. National Dance Association, 1989.
- 43
Hamblett, B.
Dance Magazine, pages 74--75, September 1986.
- 44
Hamblett, B.
Dance Magazine, pages 80--81, February 1988.
- 45
Herbison-Evans, D.
``Dance, Video, Notation and Computers''.
Leonardo, 21(1):45--50, 1988.
- 46
Herbison-Evans, D., Neilands, N., and McNair, B.
``Computer assisted choreography teaching''.
In Proceedings of the 11th Australian Colleges of Advanced
Education Computing Conference, pages 282--290, 1980.
- 47
Herbison-Evans, D. and Politis, G.
``Computer animation by choreography''.
Australian Computer Science Communications, 9(1):294--303,
February 1987.
- 48
Hirsch, V.
``The Implementation of Floor Plans in the Graphic Editor
for Labonotation''.
Master's thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1977.
- 49
Hodges, M.
``Computers and dance''.
Technology Review, 98(1):20--21, January 1995.
- 50
Holm, M.
``Noting Notation''.
Dance Magazine, page 58, September 1990.
- 51
Hutchinson, A.
``A reply''.
Dance Magazine, pages 45--46,81--82, January 1967.
- 52
Jones, S.
``Analyzing movement of the body. (computerized video system
analyzes and records movements of the body)''.
New York Times, 136:21,337, December 27 1986.
- 53
Kahlich, L.
``Dance Technology -- Moving into the Future''.
Dance Research Journal, 24(2):63--64, Fall 1992.
- 54
Kahn, S.
``Kahnotation: Computerized Notation for Tap Dance''.
In Dance Technology: Current Applications and Future Trends,
pages 59--63. National Dance Association, 1989.
- 55
Keens, W., Kopp, L., and Levine, M.
``Images of American Dance: Documenting and Preserving a
Cultural Heritage''.
Technical report, National Endowment of the Arts, 1991.
- 56
Laban, R.
Language of Movement.
Macdonald and Evans Ltd., 1966.
- 57
Landis, J., Chapman, J., and Calvert, T.
``Notation of Dance with Computer Assistance''.
In New Directions in Dance, pages 169--178. Pergamon Press,
- 58
Langrall, P.
``Documenting dance, the ephemeral art''.
Dance Notation Journal, 4(2):5--7, Fall 1986.
- 59
Lansdown, J.
``Computer choreography and video''.
In Computing in the Humanities-Proceedings of the Third
International Conference on Computing in the Humanities, pages 241--252,
August 1977.
- 60
Lansdown, J.
``The Computer in Choreography''.
IEEE Computer, 11(8):19--30, August 1978.
- 61
Lee, C., Risdale, G., Hewitt, S., Tso, V., and Calvert, T.
``The interactive composition of scores for dance''.
Dance Notation Journal, 4(2):35--40, Fall 1986.
- 62
Lundin, M.
``Move I and Anima II; Movement Description and
Movement Animation Programs''.
In Dance and Technology I: Moving Toward the Future, pages
29--31, 1992.
- 63
Maxwell, D. and Ginsberg, C.
``Graphical marionette''.
In Motion:Representation and Perception, Proceedings ACM
SIGGRAPH/SIGART Interdisciplianry Workshop on Motion, pages 303--310, 1986.
- 64
Menosky, J.
``Videograpics and grand jetes:choreography by computer''.
Science 82, pages 30--31, May 1982.
- 65
Miller, G. and Hutchinson Guest, A.
``Partial bibliography of computer articles''.
Dance Notation Journal, 4(2):49--52, Fall 1986.
- 66
Moloney, K.
``Dances with microchips''.
LA Reader, page ?, July 26 1991.
- 67
Noll, A.
``Choreography and Computers''.
Dance Magazine, pages 43--45, January 1967.
- 68
Parent, J.
``In quest of the perfect pirouette:3-d choreography''.
CIPS Review, pages 24--25, November-December 1985.
- 69
Peterson, I.
``Artificial reality''.
Science News, 127:396--397, June 22 1985.
- 70
Pierce, A.
``Cunningham at the Computer''.
Dance/USA Journal, pages 14--15, Summer 1991.
- 71
Politis, G.
``A survey of Computers in Dance''.
Technical Report 311, University of Sydney, Basser Department of
Computer Science, 1987.
- 72
Politis, G.
``Computers and dance : A bibliography''.
Leonardo, 23(1):87--90, 1990.
- 73
Politis, G. and Herbison-Evans, D.
``Computer Choreology Project at the University of
Leonardo, 21(1):34--38, 1988.
- 74
Reichardt, J.
Cybernetic Serendipity.
London and New York:Studio International, 1968.
``Computer-Programmed Choreography''.
- 75
Ryman, R., Dransch, D., and Beatty, J.
``ChoreoScribe:an intelligent editor for choreologists''.
The Choreologist, 31:13--24, Winter 1985.
- 76
Ryman, R. and Hughes-Ryman, R.
``The MacBenesh Editor: A Word Processor for Benesh
Dance Notation Journal, 4(2):16--26, Fall 1986.
- 77
Ryman, R. and Hughes-Ryman, R.
``The Computerized Production of Educational Material on
Benesh Movement Notation''.
In Dance Technology: Current Applications and Future Trends,
pages 103--110. National Dance Association, 1989.
- 78
Ryman, R., Singh, B., Beatty, J., and Booth, K.
``A Computerized Editor of Benesh Movement Notation''.
Dance Research Journal, 16(1):27--34, Spring 1984.
- 79
Savage, G. and Officer, J.
``CHOREO: An Interactive Computer Model for Dance''.
International Journal for Man-Machine Studies, 10(3):233--250,
- 80
Schiphorst, T.
``LifeForms: Design Tools for Choreography''.
In Dance and Technology I: Moving Toward the Future, pages
46--52, 1992.
- 81
Sealy, D.
``Computer Programs for Dance Notation''.
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance,
LIV(9):36--37, November-December 1983.
- 82
Selvaggio, K.
``A User's Look at Computer Dance''.
Science 82, pages 30--31, May 1982.
- 83
Smith, A. W.
``A Dance Historian Looks at Computers and their
Applications for the Art of Dancing and Dance Education''.
In Dance and Technology I: Moving Toward the Future, pages
52--59, 1992.
- 84
Smoliar, S., Badler, N., and Weber, L.
``An architecture for the simulation of human movement''.
In ACM 78:Proceedings, 1978 ACM Annual Conference, pages
737--745, December 1978.
- 85
Stadler, C.
``Computers and choreography''.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Small Computers in the
Arts, pages 107--109, October 1982.
- 86
Ulrich, A.
``Choreographing by computer''.
San Francisco Examiner, page E7, July 29 1983.
- 87
Ungvary, T., Waters, S., and Rajka, P.
``Nuntius -- A Computer System for the Interactive
Composition and Analysis of Music and Dance''.
Leonardo, 25(1):59--68, 1992.
- 88
Le Vasseur, P.
``Computer Dance: The Role of the Computer''.
Impulse: The Annual of Contemporary Dance, pages 25--27, 1965.
- 89
Venable, L., Sutherland, S., Ross, L., and Tinsley, M.
LabanWriter 2.0, 1989.
- 90
Wagner, P.
``Pixellage: An elegeant leap in integrating art and CG
Computer Graphics World, pages 46--48, August 1982.
- 91
Wheaton, B. and Soll, D.
``Dance, cellular motion, and computer analysis : An interview with
david soll''.
The Drama Review, 34(4):45--59, Winter 1990.
- 92
Withrow, C.
``A Dynamic Model for Computer-Aided Choreography''.
Master's thesis, University of Utah, 1970.
- 93
Wolofsky, Z.
``Computer Interpretation of Selected Labanotation
Master's thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1974.
- 94
Wyman, M.
``This Computer Loves to Dance -- Simon Fraser's
LifeForms Choreographing Software''.
New York Times, v142:sec2col3, June 27, 1993.
Dance and Technology Bibliography
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