Interests & Plans Academically, my interested area is Computer Graphics. What first caused my curiosity about this area were Hollywood blockbuster movies. The special effects in those movies were just fantastic feasts for eyes. Later on I learned that it was Computer Graphics that made those effects possible, so I decided to start my own journey in this exciting area. I have taken several undergraduate courses in CG and have been teaching myself CG-related skills. However, due to the limited involvement in CG researches at my undergrate school, I never got a chance to join a CG lab and work on some "serious" projects. So that's actually what I plan to do in grad school. I will try to join a CG lab here and get more research experience.
In my spare time, my biggest hobby is sports, which has become a very important part of my life. I love playing tennis, soccer and swimming. Since now I am in Santa Cruz, I am planning on learning how to surf. Besides sports, I also love music. Classical rock and alternative are currently my favorite genres.