Present: Claude Zachary, Stephanie Dark, Susan Bok, Shelly Stoll, Justin Berenbaum, Rachel Barish, Michele Ploessel, Hamid Hakkakzadeh, Julie Cook, Steve Jung, Moira Feingold, Ken Feingold, Chris Ridder, Ann Wolfsen, Stephen Klein, Lisa Buschmann, Tara Speiser, Fran Zandonella, Rik Converse. Agendas were passed out and attendees introduced themselves. Meeting was called to order by Chris at 10:43 AM. Election for chapter officers was held. The slate of proposed nominees met with no additions or objections. Ann called for a vote and the nominees were elected. Chris Ridder -- President, Lisa Buschmann --- Treasurer, Claude Zachary --- Secretary. (Who have I left out??) Lisa gave a brief overview of the status of the chapter's treasury and an overview of the past year's events. We spent $5,400 on our programs against income of $3,200. As of Sunday morning, Nov. 2, 1997, there was $2,400.91 current in our bank account that now resides at Union Bank. Ann, as the representative from the UCSC Alumni Association, spoke about the Association and its mission. The main topic raised by attendees was the affinity credit card and its unfavorably changing terms. Ann said she would check into the situation. Ken asked if folks were more favorably disposed to weeknight meeting times with dinner at a pizza parlour or other informal restaurant, as opposed to a weekend afternoon meeting. No particular response yea or nay was forthcoming. E-mail announcements re: upcoming meetings will be made. Suggestions regarding the events for this upcoming year were solicited. (a) Since we lost a bunch of money on the wine-tasting event last April, would it be OK to charge $35 for a meal at a good restaurant along with a wine tasting sponsored by a Santa Cruz alum's winery?? Charging a sliding scale for new graduates was suggested. Restaurant ideas were solicited; it would need to be closed on Saturday afternoon for our event. Holding the tasting during late April, after taxes, seemed like a popular idea. (b) A late spring, early summer boat trip out to Santa Cruz Island was supported; Justin offered to organize this event, with a possible option to extend the trip to camp out overnight on the Island for those who were interested. (c) Inviting a popular SC professor to come down to make a presentation was also suggested, as well as the notion of making this a lower cost event by having a potluck or other group effort. (d) A meeting with senior admissions counsellor Dave Fajnor to help with the recruiting of promising high school seniore. The raffle was held. Everyone was a winner!! Rik spoke about the Media Slugs interest group and covered the Politically Incorrect non-event of last May. Steve Klein talked about the Alumni Council and the Alumni Scholarship Fund, as well as the establishment of more affinity groups - folks with common interests getting together - within the alumni association chapters. Steve Jung floated the possibility of getting involved as a volunteer to help with Alumni Council work -- if interested, contact one of the two Steves! The meeting adjorned at 11:45 AM. Next meeting will be held on December 6th, 1:30 PM, at Lisa's house, 4325 Chase Ave. in West LA, just east of Marina Del Rey. Come with some ideas for restaurants for the wine tasting! Any corrections or additions gratefully requested! Respectfully submitted, Claude Zachary, Secretary Claude B. Zachary UCLA Dept. of Library & Information Science (310)659-7902 From: "Claude B. Zachary"Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 18:15:14 -0800 Subject: Minutes, UCSC LA Alum Meeting, 11/2/97
Copyright © 1999 Fran Zandonella
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