UCSC Alumni Assoc. - LA Chapter

UCSC Alumni Assoc - LA Chapter
December 14, 1996 Minutes

Compiled by Claude Zachary
Los Angeles Alumni Association planning committee meeting - 12/14/96 at Ken and
Moira Feingold's home. Present were Steve Klein, Ken and Moira Feingold, Judy
Liggett, Rik Converse, Greg Martin (1028 12th St., #1, Santa Monica, CA 90403,
310-393-0169), Chris Ridder, Claude Zachary.

The meeting began with introduction of all present and a review of the past
meeting's minutes. The first topic of discussion was the screening of "Glory
Daze". We're still on a site search. Santa Monica Public Library will not work
because there is no 35 mm. projector there. The filmmaker doesn't want to do a
video transfer, and it would be too difficult to transport a projector into the
space. The film is scheduled to open in mid-February. John Koresh is the
distributor, and Rik will contact him to see if we can buy up a screening, and
where it will be shown. We would like to have as much lead time as possible to
allow for scheduling and publicity. The issue of any selected venues providing
disability access was brought up. It was also suggested that we try to combine
all planned events through the summer on one master flyer/calendar and send out
follow-up postcards before each event.

The Wine Tasting program will be scheduled for Saturday April 12th from 4 to 6
pm to coincide with the Chancellor's visit to Los Angeles. Dori will be
following up with winemaker and winery contacts, since David Graves' father is
ill and David is unable to confirm his participation at this time. Dori will
try to find 2 wineries willing to participate out of a pool of 10-12
possibilities. Possible venues mentioned included Queen Mary, the Californian
yacht, El Morro restaurant, Barbra Steisand Conservancy in Malibu, Barnsdall
Park, an Orange County/Costa Mesa wine facility. The need for freeway access
was stressed. Chris will co-ordinate with the Alumni Assoc. to confirm the
Chancellor's schedule, and Moira will talk to possible venues. The existance of
$3,000 or so in our Chapter's treasury was mentioned when budgeting questions

Regarding the Alumni Assoc. reception for newly admitted students to UCSC,
Steve Klein spoke with Jaime Velasco, the Southern California representative
for the Admissions Office regarding his proposal to have school representatives
travel to the LA area for a reception targeting high-achieving students. The
suggested date is March 15 or 16 with a preference for the 16th, and the time
of 2 pm - 5 pm. Estimated attendance would be in the neighborhood of 100 people
(30-40 students plus parents). The venue should convey a subliminal feeling of
high academic achievement. While Moira is checking into the wine-tasting
location, she will extend her search to include the academic reception. Steve
volunteered to call the LA Public Library downtown branch. The distribution of
financial responsibilities are also under consideration - will the Chapter
underwrite the venue rental and UCSC the food. The general membership social
gathering(s) idea was tabled for the time being. Taking care of the events
presently under consideration was deemed to be sufficient for the moment;
successful completion of these will build up community cohesiveness and will
hopefully provide an impetus to generate enthusiasm for more informal
gatherings at pubs or restaurants over the summer. Rik emphasized that the
spirit is out there and can be nurtured with get-togethers. We also decided to
try to schedule a group outing to a taping of the television show "Politically
Incorrect" after the wine-tasting event, tentatively designating Friday May 9th
as a possible date. We would follow attendance at the taping with a dinner at a
Fairfax-area restaurant.

A discussion of Alumni Council concerns regarding UCSC campus affairs followed,
with Steve stating the Council position regarding the narrative evaluation
system, and Ken emphasizing that the college system needs fighting for. We were
encouraged to share our personal experiences of UCSC with current faculty on
the Academic Senate. 

Our next meeting will be on Saturday, January 11th at 4 pm at Ken and Moira's
lovely home, once again. Dori will hopefully be joining us, and we will adjourn
from the meeting to a Santa Monica eatery TBA.

Submitted in substantially complete form; any addenda or amendments welcomed.

Claude Zachary
UCLA Dept. of Library and Information Science

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