Directions to the Huntington Library:
Foothill Freeway #210: From the west take
Hill Avenue off-ramp and follow surface street (and signs) to Allen;
proceed south about one mile to The Huntington. From the east take the
Allen off-ramp south to the Huntington gate.
San Bernardino Freeway #10: Take the San Gabriel Blvd. off-ramp
north; turn left on California and left again on Allen; proceed south to
The Huntington.
Pasadena Freeway #110: Freeway becomes Arroyo Parkway; continue on
Arroyo, turn right on California; turn right again on Allen and proceed
to The Huntington.
Huntington Drive: Turn north at San Marino Avenue; jog left after
one long block, then right onto San Marino again and left after one block
onto Stratford, which ends at The Huntington.
A network of UC Santa Cruz alumni chapters
and regional groups exists across the country to serve as extensions of
the University. The purpose of the Los Angeles Chapter is to serve UC
Santa Cruz and its alumni in the Southern California area, to promote
networking, and to bring a bit of the UCSC campus to alumni who live far
from its doors.
The UCSC Alumni Association can help you locate long-lost friends from
your college days, and give you access to the UC System libraries,
recreational facilities, group tours for international travel, special
events, newsletters, and many other benefits. Membership is
inexpensive, and there are several ways to join. Contact: UCSC
Alumni Office, Carriage House, Santa Cruz, CA 95065, or call
800-933-SLUG. We're on the Web at: