UC Santa Cruz Alumni Association
Los Angeles Chapter


 invites you to our
2000 Annual Business Meeting
 Visit to the Huntington Library

Sunday, October 22, 2000 at 10:30 AM
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
1151 Oxford Road
San Marino, CA 91108

Join us for our Chapter's mandatory business meeting.  We will be sharing information about our activities of the year past and about our planned activities for the coming year,  as well as soliciting program suggestions and volunteers from those attending the meeting.  Check our website for info on our tentative schedule.  We will also vote for the year's officers for the Chapter's organizing committee.  The Meeting is, of course, open to every Slug!

Program Schedule:
10:30  11:30                 Greeting and Meeting
11:30 --  ?                   Visit the Huntington

We will be arranging for a group rate of $7.50 per person to enter the Huntington.  Everyone will pay upon arrival.  Please RSVP that you will be attending the meeting by October 17
th to Fran Zandonella at (818) 460-8263 or franz@acm.org so we can arrange for proper seating. 

The current exhibition in the Library is:
The 600th anniversary of Geoffrey Chaucer's death will be commemorated in this exhibition, the centerpiece of which is The Huntington's magnificent 15th-century illuminated manuscript of The Canterbury Tales.
Docent-led tours of the Botanical Gardens will also be available and will be arranged on-site.

Dining at the Huntington is available.  The restaurant is open Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Light meals, pastries, drinks, and sandwiches are available. Tea is served in the Rose Garden Room Sunday, 10:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. If you'd like to make individual reservations, call (626) 683-8131.
Directions to the Huntington Library:
Foothill Freeway #210: From the west take Hill Avenue off-ramp and follow surface street (and signs) to Allen; proceed south about one mile to The Huntington. From the east take the Allen off-ramp south to the Huntington gate.
San Bernardino Freeway #10: Take the San Gabriel Blvd. off-ramp north; turn left on California and left again on Allen; proceed south to The Huntington.
Pasadena Freeway #110: Freeway becomes Arroyo Parkway; continue on Arroyo, turn right on California; turn right again on Allen and proceed to The Huntington.
Huntington Drive: Turn north at San Marino Avenue; jog left after one long block, then right onto San Marino again and left after one block onto Stratford, which ends at The Huntington.

A network of UC Santa Cruz alumni chapters and regional groups exists across the country to serve as extensions of the University. The purpose of the Los Angeles Chapter is to serve UC Santa Cruz and its alumni in the Southern California area, to promote networking, and to bring a bit of the UCSC campus to alumni who live far from its doors.
The UCSC Alumni Association can help you locate long-lost friends from your college days, and give you access to the UC System libraries, recreational facilities, group tours for international travel, special events, newsletters, and many other benefits.  Membership is inexpensive, and there are several ways to join.  Contact: UCSC Alumni Office, Carriage House, Santa Cruz, CA  95065, or call 800-933-SLUG.  We're on the Web at:  http://alumni.ucsc.edu/