LEGO® Set Review: 2160 Crystal Scavenger


[2160 Set Photo] Crystal Scavenger (us)
Chercheur de Cristaux (fr)
Excavador de Cristales (es)
Aquazone Banner Aquaraiders Banner
Aquazone / Aquaraiders

Ages 6-12 / 107 Pcs
Set ©1997
Price Range: $16.50 though LEGO Shop at Home Service, $14.99 Retail

Review Written: 16 October 1997 by Forrest L. Sutton
Special Features / Compatibility
Extra Elements Decals: Yes

Ratings: Set: Excellent Models: Excellent Playability: Excellent

I suggest that if you’re an Aquazone fan that you go out and buy this set: you’ll like it. It’s got a fair price and a houndred and seven pieces.


The darkness of the Ageian Canyon concealed the Crystal Scavenger. The Aquaraider watched the yellow dot on his computer’s radar screen move closer and closer to the crystals. The Aquaraider smirked at the thought that the Aquanauts had no idea he was a mere four hundred yards behind them. This was going to be easy, let them do all the work, take him to the location of the crystals, and take them for himself. He might have to put up a bit of a fight but in the end it would all be worth it. The yellow dot stopped moving as the Crystal Explorer Sub detected a new branch of crystals.

What Aquanauts were doing out of their own sector didn’t concern the Aquaraider. Surely after this incident the Aquanauts would learn to stay in their own sector, as the foolish Aquasharks had. He was proud that the new cloaking device had worked so well against the Aquanaut’s radar systems.

The Aquanaut drivers were starting to load up. The Aquaraider waited patiently for nearly twenty minutes while they finished, and then as they started preparations for return to their base, an explosion rocked their sub. The Crystal Scavenger’s propellers slammed to full power as it charged at the Crystal Explorer sub.Terror filled the faces of the two Aquanauts as he hit the power switch for the saw and watched it spin to life. He shot it home to the Aquanaut’s power lines to temporarily disable their vehicle.

The Aquaraider opened the hatch to his mini-sub, retrieved his portable saw and swam over to the wreckage of the sub. He hit the power switch on his saw and pried open the containers holding the crystals. He then gathered the precious cargo and put it into his own sub, quickly beating a hasty retreat before the Aquanauts could signal for help. This time he had been successful, and he owed it all to the Crystal Scavenger.


My Rating? 5 out of 5 stars.


Set Rating:Excellent

I was really glad I bought this set. It comes with pieces you don’t see much in little sets, such as the cool spring-loaded pieces.

Model Rating:Excellent

This set is a great little sleekly designed ship with a saw and a drill. It has two cockpits, a container to put crystals in, and a cool little portable Translucent-Green power saw that I haven’t seen since Ice Planet 2002. It comes with a cool Aquaraider who has a translucent light green hook for a left hand.The color scheme for the Aquaraiders is great; it consists of black, green, yellow, and light translucent greenish-yellow. Aquaraiders are like the Blacktron troops of Aquazone. I have never really had much interest in Aquazone but I saw these new Aquaraiders and I knew I would eventually buy it so while I was Service Merchandise I picked one up.

Playability Rating:Excellent

The assembly was very simple and fun and it looks great and has hours of fun in it.


Sleek design, cool set with some unique pieces.


None that I can think of.



It comes with three decals: two eyes and a set of teeth.
Reviewer Information
Reviewer Name Age (at review) E-Mail WWW Favorite Theme
Forrest L. Sutton 16 ---

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