e y 6 e s : home interface panel : b-bots
(from windows version of player)
Download player only for Windows: 'bbots.zip' (620kb)
Download editor and player for Solaris/Linux: 'bbots.tar.gz'
B-Bots was my final project for CMPS-160: Intro to Computer Graphics. I wrote
a keyframe-based animation editor in C++ using OpenGL, GLX, and XForms, and a
scripted animation player using OpenGL and GLUT. The hierarchical character
animation routines use quaternion arithmetic to achieve smooth interpolation of
the robots' 14 sets of joint orientations. In the final animation, a music
video set to the Fatboy Slim remix of the Beastie Boys' song Body Movin',
the three robot characters perform an intricate breakdancing routine while
the camera cuts to different view angles and pans smoothly around the scene
according to instructions in the animation script.
Also activated by script commands are several special effects: a water effect,
a strobe effect, a feedback effect, a particle system effect, and a blobby
object effect created using a wireframe implementation of the Marching Cubes
isosurface rendering algorithm. The screen images above and below depict
the animation editor and several scenes from the music video; to see the
full animation, click one of the links above to download the version of the
player appropriate for your platform.
Special thanks to Nick Warren for the Linux port.
(from solaris version of player)
(from windows version of player)
(from solaris version of editor)